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MCR_RRR FLARE21 submission: Cpu-Only aBdominal oRgan segmentAtion (COBRA)

Training data preprocessing

Before training our model, the training data needs to be pre-processing. For this use in the parent directory.
This script will:
  • convert images and gold standard segmentations from .nii.gz to .npy format
  • correct orientation errors
  • segment the "body" using thresholding
  • resample all images to the same dimensions (96 x 192 x 192 voxels)
  • save the resulting data to a directory ready for training

    NOTE - Three directory paths need to be changed here:

  • imdir: directory containing the raw .nii.gz format CT images
  • maskdir: directory containing the raw .nii.gz format gold standard segmentations
  • out_dir: where the preprocessed images and masks will be saved

    Model training

    Once pre-processed, the data is ready for model training!
    To train a model, use python --fold_num i where i is an integer in [1,2,3,4,5]
    or sh

    NOTE - Two directory paths need to be changed here:

  • source_dir: where the preprocessed images and masks are saved by the preprocessing script
  • checkpoint_dir: where model weights and training statitics will be saved

    Current hyper-parameter settings in will reproduce our submitted model.

    ONNX compilation + Inference


    Once the model has been trained, it can be compiled by running cd ONNX && bash ./
  • MODEL_PATH: path to trained model.
  • OUTPUT_NAME: compiled model will be named: OUTPUT_NAME.onnx.
  • check_model: checks model was compiled correctly.
  • check_output: validates compiled model outputs against original pytorch model.
    NOTE: If you get the following error AssertionError: Not equal to tolerance rtol=0.001, atol=1e-05. Re-running the command should fix the issue.


    Inference is performed by the script in the docker directory.
    This script operates end-to-end, reading .nii.gz format CTs and writing .nii.gz format segmentations (no preprocessing necessary).

    Extended datasets

    We additionally trained our model with three datasets availbale here:

    For each of these new datasets we retain identical model setup and training hyperparameters (this may not be ideal!)


    docker link:

    results (tested on 200 scans reserved from the full dataset):


    AbdomenCT-1K with pseudo tumor labels

    docker link:

    results (tested on the 285 scans without pseudo-tumor labels):


    AbdomenCT-1K - 50 cases with 12 annotated organs

    docker link:

    results (tested on the 959 scans without all 12 organs labelled):
