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Releases: rotki/rotki

Rotki v1.33.1 - Clean Crown

29 May 21:11
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rotki v1.33.1 is a bugfixes release fixing issues you guys found in the past weeks. The two most important changes is adding support for the new Coinbase API keys and deprecating all calls to the now sunset Graph hosted service while allowing for Graph API keys.

It contains 46 commits from 10 different contributors.

For more information check the detailed changelog below 👇


Upgrade is highly recommended. Download the binary for your OS from below:

Optionally, you can also verify the integrity of the aforementioned binaries using the following checksums:

Things to note

Graph API Keys

The Graph hosted service has been sunset. We don't rely on the graph for anything important but there is 2 places we still use it. You can now create a free api key with them here: and add it to rotki.

If you do you will be able to utilize two things you otherwise will be missing in rotki:

  • Balancer pools LP balances
  • ENS name information for a subset of ENS events

The free API key is limited in the amount of queries it can do. If you need more you can add some GRT to pay for more queries.

Coinbase API Keys

Coinbase API keys have introduced a new format. You now need to generate an API key from the Coinbase Developer Portal:

This rotki release adds support for those api keys since the old ones are being deprecated.

Staked GRT in Arbitrum

If you have any staked GRT balances in arbitrum and they are not fully seen by rotki then you should re-decode all GRT related transactions and restart the app.

Go to the history events page, filter by "thegraph" protocol and go through each transaction and press redecode events.


By redecoding each transaction rotki will understand you have Graph actvity and will run the proper code to query for staked GRT. From 1.34.0 this hack won't be needed since redecoding will run for all transactions again.

New Features

  • #7358 Added support for detection of staked GRT tokens on Arbitrum.
  • rotki now optionally can use the decentralized TheGraph service. You can get a free api key at
  • #7816 rotki should now support the new coinbase api key format from the coinbase develop portal.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix the issue where airdrops aren't properly filtered by status.
  • #7791 Killing the rotki processes in Windows should now work fine and no zombie processes should remain. In turn this should also make the auto upgrade work for Windows.
  • #7905 rotki will now properly show the decoding progress of zksync-lite transactions.
  • Fix the issue where the MATIC amount always shows as zero in the Polygon balance table.
  • #7915 Show OKX balances locked in active trades.
  • Periodic detection of spam tokens won't consider spam those tokens that have been whitelisted.
  • Compound v2 transactions containing also flash loans of same asset type will now be properly decoded.

Rotki v1.33.0 - Crown

08 May 14:27
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rotki v1.33.0 is a big feature release containing all the work that the team has been preparing in the last 2.5 months! The biggest features coming in this release are ZKSync lite support, Scroll support, in-app calendar and more!

It contains 360 commits from 20 different contributors 🥇

For more information check the detailed changelog below 👇


Upgrade is highly recommended. Download the binary for your OS from below:

Optionally, you can also verify the integrity of the aforementioned binaries using the following checksums:

Things to note

Some important things to note when using the release

History events redecoding


If you are upgrading from an older release all your EVM history events will need to be redecoded. This is something that takes a bit of time(depending on amount of events) but is required in order to apply all changes since last release.

The redecoding will be triggered the first time you go to the history events page after you open the new version. You can monitor progress by pressing the 3 dots menu on the top right as seen in the screenshot above. Have patience until redecoding finishes.

Finally note that any edited events won't be touched, so you don't lose any data.

Timeout during transaction decoding

In accounts with a large amount of transactions there is a high chance that you will experience a number of timeout errors. You can recognise them by the following message: timeout of 30000ms exceeded.

Though annoying, this is not fatal in anyway and something we will improve in future releases (#7906)

If you experience this please let the decoding complete before resuming the normal use of the application.

Gnosis Safe Mainnet Token

This asset update release adds support for the Gnosis Safe mainnet token. If you have previously added the token to your assets, ensure that you manually resolve the conflicts, since the added asset is missing a coingecko identifier. If you have already updated your assets by selecting the Remote resolution, you will have to manually edit the asset to add the coingecko id.

A fix for this will be provided in a future release.

ZKSync Lite lack of progress notification

During transactions redecoding for each EVM chain there is a progress notification, showing how many transactions are re-decoded. ZKSync Lite does not have this yet.

So while zksync lite transactions are being decoded you won't see any progress in this release.

It will be fixed in future releases. The issue to follow is:

Release Highlights

Scroll support



Full support for the scroll evm chain has been added. Balances are properly queried and all scroll transactions should now be pulled and decoded. Also any addresses with activity in scroll should now be automatically tracked for scroll too.

ZKSynclite support



Full support for zksync lite has been added. Balances are properly queried and all zksync lite transactions should now be pulled and decoded. Also any addresses with activity in zksync lite should now be automatically tracked for zksync lite too.

CEX Mappings


Exchanges list assets using only a symbol and sometimes there are multiple assets that could match such a symbol. We have created the CEX mappings view to enable users to update mappings of symbols to assets for any exchange so they don't depend on us to do it. Now events and balances will get correctly detected between releases. They will be updated automatically but users can edit them at any point if something is off for them without waiting for a new rotki release.



rotki now has its own calendar. Users will be able to create events, create reminders and navigate the calendar.

rotki will also create calendar reminders for events it can automatically detect, starting by ENS name expiration/registration reminders in this release. We plan to create more in the upcoming releases


The GMX V1 transactions in Arbitrum One will be detected and positions will be queried once events get decoded. GMX is a complex protocol and the decoding logic could be faulty in some cases, please report them to us if you find them so we can fix any possible issue.


Aave v3

Aave V3 is now supported in all the chains that we track. The collateral deposited and the liabilities created will appear properly in the dashboard and the events will get decoded


Compound v3

Compound V3 is now supported in all the chains that we track. The collateral deposited and the liabilities created will appear properly in the dashboard and the events will get decoded


0x protocol

Swaps executed using 0x in all the supported EVM chains will be correctly decoded



Swaps executed using Kyber in all the supported EVM chains will be correctly decoded


These were the highlights. Check below for the full changelog 👇

New Features

  • #7798 rotki now accurately decodes transactions on the Kyber swap aggregator across all supported chains.
  • Users will now be able to delete transactions and the associated events in history events.
  • #7074 rotki provides a calendar view where users can add and track events related to their activities. Users can also set reminders to perform actions associated with these events.
  • Claiming the harvest finance hack compensation grain airdrop will be properly shown as airdrop claim in the history events.
  • Claiming the pickle finance hack compensation cornichon airdrop will be prope...
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Rotki v1.32.2 - Homogenized Crop Milk

15 Mar 13:40
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rotki v1.32.2 is a bugfixes release fixing issues you guys found in the past weeks. Various fixes for protocols such as monerium, and curve to exchanges such as coinbase and are included.

It contains 34 commits from 5 different contributors.

For more information check the detailed changelog below 👇


Upgrade is highly recommended. Download the binary for your OS from below:

Optionally, you can also verify the integrity of the aforementioned binaries using the following checksums:

Bug Fixes

  • #7531 rotki will now prioritize manual prices above other price oracles and calculations.
  • rotki will display NFT prices correctly across all asset types.
  • #7572 Fix issue where coinbase data query could result in an error popup.
  • #7611 USDT balances and trades in should now work properly.
  • Sending money to SEPA or bridging with the BurnFrom monerium signature will now be properly decoded by rotki.
  • Fix issue where long label in manual balances breaks the alignment of chain names.
  • If saving a setting fails, error messages will no longer disappear automatically.
  • #7532 Curve LP token price calculation should now be correct.
  • All the curve pools in ethereum should be queried again.

Rotki v1.32.1 - Pasteurized Crop Milk

23 Feb 17:16
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rotki v1.32.1 is a bugfixes release fixing issues you guys found in the last week. Most important fixes are regarding ETH staking, STRK and airdrops CSVs.

It contains 18 commits from 6 different contributors.

For more information check the detailed changelog below 👇


Upgrade is highly recommended. Download the binary for your OS from below:

Optionally, you can also verify the integrity of the aforementioned binaries using the following checksums:

Bug Fixes

  • rotki will now automatically update the local airdrops' CSVs when needed, without manually deleting them.
  • Fix the issue where an incorrect amount of ETH is displayed in the Loopring account table.
  • Binance lending positions and rewards will get properly decoded and displayed again.
  • #7488 Show tags in multi-lines when multiple to avoid horizontal scroll.
  • #7497 In ETH staking view execution rewards should now be counted properly. MEV reward and block reward should not both be counted if recipient is not tracked.
  • #7522 Invalid ENS names shouldn't stop the decoding process anymore.
  • Removing an address from one of the EVM chains won't affect the decoded events in other chains anymore.
  • ETH withdrawal events should now be taxable again if the setting for their treatment after withdrawals enabled is on (which is by default).
  • Invalid data in airdrops' CSVs or JSONs will now get ignored to show the rest of the valid data.

Newly supported assets

Added support for the following assets:

Rotki v1.32.0 - Crop Milk

16 Feb 11:55
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rotki v1.32.0 is a huge feature release containing all the work that the team has been preparing in the last 2 months! The biggest features coming in this release are Ethereum Staking revamp, Monerium support, Paraswap support, Aerodrome support, Metamask swaps and so much more!

It contains 356 commits from 17 different contributors 🥇

For more information check the detailed changelog below 👇


Upgrade is highly recommended. Download the binary for your OS from below:

Optionally, you can also verify the integrity of the aforementioned binaries using the following checksums:

Things to note

Some important things to note when using the release

History events redecoding


If you are upgrading from an older release all your EVM history events will need to be redecoded. This is something that takes a bit of time(depending on amount of events) but is required in order to apply all changes since last release.

The redecoding will be triggered the first time you go to the history events page after you open the new version. You can monitor progress by pressing the 3 dots menu on the top right as seen in the screenshot above. Have patience until redecoding finishes.

Finally note that any edited events won't be touched, so you don't lose any data.

Monerium API credentials


In this release rotki premium users can integrate with monerium! This means that all monerium transactions in mainnet, polygon and gnosis chain will be decorated with the bank data (or chain bridging) data you can also see in monerium app. But there is 2 important pieces of information to keep in mind here.

  1. Monerium API can only use basic authentication at the moment. We are in contact with their team and they will add api keys eventually. But for now they only have basic authentication which means your username + password are stored in rotki (encrypted). Take necessary security precautions and don't use unless you understand the potential risks.
  2. Monerium data will be pulled roughly every hour to decorate your EVM transactions. So if you just upgraded it's best to wait for the EVM events redecoding (as mentioned in the previous section) to finish before inputting your monerium API.

Private addressbook


Account labels of all chains have been moved to the address book. This is the private address book inside your encrypted database. You can now manage your private labels much easier from here. Editing a blockchain account as before still works and will be reflected in the addressbook.

Data Directory reorganization


The rotki data directory has now been reorganized. All user data has moved under a specific subdirectory. Global DB data in another. App specific data under its own directory and all images/icons in another.

Staking performance


If you are staking ethereum and have data from before 1.32.0 you will see something like the above when you to the staking page. The numbers for APR and the status won't be adding up.

The reason for this is technical. The data in the database changed and since you had data from before, new data has not yet been populated. To fix it press "refresh balances" and all should be fine afterwards. That weirdness will only be there first time you open 1.32.0 and go to eth staking page.

Important Note: 1.32.0 has a bug in which case some execution layer rewards may appear doubled: #7497. It is a known issue and will be fixed in 1.32.1

Ignored asset whitelist

Spam assets are a plague in EVM chains. rotki has an automatic algorithm trying to match assets as spam to not bother the user with automatically ignoring them. You can see all ignored assets in Manage Assets -> Filter by ignored. A problem with automatic algorithms marking something as spam is that mistakes can be made and a legit token may be ignored.


To solve this problem from this release we are adding a whitelist which you can add assets to as can be seen above. Once an asset is added to the whitelist it will be removed from the ignore list and the automatic algorithm will not mark it as spam in the future.

Release Highlights

Here is some of the highlights of this awesome release!

Monerium Support


In this release for premium users all monerium EVM transactions will be decorated with extra data so long as you provide monerium credentials.

  • For bank transfers from/to your address you will be able to see the destination/source IBAN along with the memo of the transfer.
  • For automatic EURe bridging between EVM chains you will see amounts, from/to EVM chains along with from/to address.

Finally we have a tool to connect the traditional finance with the crypto world!

French 🇫🇷


Rotki is now translated in French thanks to the work put in by a user and contributor, Anthony Robbin.

Paraswap Support


Paraswap swaps are now properly understood and decoded in rotki's history events view across all supported EVM chains.

Ethereum staking

There is a ton of Ethereum staking related changes

Use your own beacon node


rotki is pulling a lot of consensus layer data from beacon nodes. You can now use your own beacon node if you have one online or if you are running your own staking setup. So all ETH staking data will be pulled much faster.

Staking page changes


The ethereum staking page has been redesigned.

  • On the left side of the view you can see totals. Total validators numbers, ETH staked, consensus layer rewards, execution layer rewards and performance.
  • On the right side you can see an analysis per validator. Performance per validator, outstanding (not withdrawn) rewards, consensus layer rewards, execution layer rewards, balance and status.
  • All the above is ...
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Rotki v1.31.3 - Opensrissum

31 Jan 14:01
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rotki v1.31.3 is a patch release on top of 1.31.2 fixing bugs our users found in the last month. Most important of which is making new NFTS be detected properly again. It also comes with some minor improvements. This release contains 41 commits from 6 different contributors.

Two things that are fixed in this release and would require action if affected are:

  • Liquity trove LUSD borrowing fee and stability pool LQTY frontend fee will now be properly shown and processed by rotki. If the events do not show them then redecode the offending events and they should work fine again. Keep in mind that an automatic redecoding will happpen in 1.32.0 so even if you take no action now when 1.32.0 is out and you upgrade to it, it will happen on its own.
  • Some coinbase trades imported via the API should no longer show negative amounts. If you see negative amounts, purge and repull coinbase data.

For more information check the detailed changelog below 👇


Upgrade is highly recommended. Download the binary for your OS from below:

Optionally, you can also verify the integrity of the aforementioned binaries using the following checksums:

Bug Fixes

  • The history events section will have correct pagination for free users, with all the events showing correct sub-events.
  • #7359 NFTs should be queried and displayed properly again.
  • #7362 Filtering by customized events in the free version should work fine again.
  • Premium sync failure will now appear in the toolbar indicator instead of showing a notification.
  • Importing sell trades via rotki generic trades CSV import will now work properly again.
  • All Gnosis bridge dai events from ethereum to gnosis chain should now be decoded properly.
  • #7526 Liquity trove LUSD borrowing fee and stability pool LQTY frontend fee will now be properly shown and processed by rotki.
  • USDT will be processed correctly when importing events from nexo.
  • Failure to resolve etherscan api or hitting maximum backoff after too many retries will now no longer raise an exception.
  • Some coinbase trades imported via the API should no longer show negative amounts. If you see negative amounts, purge and repull coinbase data.
  • The defillama oracle should now work correctly with tokens in arbitrum and binance.
  • Removing exchanges will also remove them from the setting of non syncing exchanges.

Rotki v1.31.2 - Orderly Crissum

22 Dec 17:17
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rotki v1.31.2 is a patch release on top of 1.31.1 fixing bugs our users found in the last 2 weeks and also introducing some minor improvements. Most important thing fixed here is adjusting rotki for bittrex, bitstamp and coinbase non backwards compatible API changes that happened since our last release. This release contains 52 commits from 7 different contributors.

Important Info: If you had Bittrex or FTX api keys, or had any of the two exchanges in the non-syncing exchanges list, before upgrading make sure to do the following things in order:

  1. Toggle both exchanges back to being syncing
  2. Once you do (1) remove the api key of both exchanges.

Then you can upgrade to 1.31.2. If you already upgraded to 1.31.2, no problem. You can open rotki with 1.31.1 again and do the 2 steps and then open with 1.31.2 again.

For more information check the detailed changelog below 👇


Upgrade is highly recommended. Download the binary for your OS from below:

Optionally, you can also verify the integrity of the aforementioned binaries using the following checksums:

Bug Fixes

  • Importing timestamp in CSV in scientific format should now work without errors.
  • #7123 Adding an EVM EOA address that has only withdrawals/blocks activity will no longer fail.
  • #7082 Now disabling sync for an exchange instance won't prevent other instances in the same exchange from querying new trades.
  • #7071 Fix the issue where users on mobile devices need to scroll to login.
  • #7120 Fix the issue where after removing an exchange key, an error notification is shown.
  • #7115 Fix the issue with decimal point for amount input.
  • #7119 Removed bittrex as an exchanged added via api key since it has shut down. But users can now import bittrex CSVs in order to get their history into rotki.
  • Bitmex history queries should now work properly again after Bitmex changed their API without versioning.
  • #1863 Bitstamp deposit/withdrawals should now also show the address and transaction id.
  • #7075 Coinbase api should now be usable again. Additionally history retrieval speed has improved by orders of magnitude.
  • Fix the issue where user profiles on the login screen are empty after logging out.
  • Now users will be able to see the most recent assets without restarting the app when filtering by owned assets in the assets view.
  • Withdrawal events for ethereum staking will now respect accounting rules.
  • #7059 Fix the issue where adding an account via MetaMask is not working.
  • #7057 Fix the issue where the app restarts when the file upload button is clicked.
  • rotki should no longer try mainnet uniswap onchain price queries for other evm tokens and errors should be handled better

Rotki v1.31.1 - Tidy Crissum

06 Dec 16:23
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rotki v1.31.1 is a patch release on top of 1.31.0 fixing bugs our users found in the last week and also introducing some minor improvements. Most important thing fixed here is a nasty bug that happened during PnL report in some specific cases and made the report impossible to continue. We also added spam asset detection improvements. This release contains 32 commits from 7 different contributors.

For more information check the detailed changelog below 👇


Upgrade is highly recommended. Download the binary for your OS from below:

Optionally, you can also verify the integrity of the aforementioned binaries using the following checksums:

New Features

  • #7015 Users will be able to sort the blockchain accounts by displayed name.
  • #7024 When a Uniswap-V2 or Sushiswap deposit gets decoded it will update the default symbol of the LP token to include information about the underlying tokens.
  • #6885 Users can now specify EVM chains for which no activity will be auto-detected by rotki.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix the bug that causes the error screen to appear strangely in dark mode.
  • #7012 Fix issue where the title for the statistics card are missing.
  • #7039 The edge case of a failed eth_call during initialization of decoders will no longer crash the user login task.
  • Users will be able to see the address of the asset instead of the redundant asset name in the "Managed Assets" view and in the "Newly Detected Tokens" view.
  • #7017 Fix the issue where clicking on the chain in the blockchain balance summary didn't show the correct section.
  • #6999 Chai token balances should not appear doubled under certain conditions.
  • Fix styling issue with the lock icon for "Add collateralization ratio watcher" for non-premium user.
  • Fix issue where the reports page cannot be loaded if there is old report from older version.
  • Fix the issue where the app freezes for a few seconds on logout.
  • #7009 PnL reports with an old type of event (such as DailyStats) following a swap will no longer fail with an exception.
  • #6998 If a username contains a '.' the user will now be able to log in properly again.
  • The welcome message at first login after a version upgrade will now have the correct link to the release notes.
  • Swaps using 1inch where the Uniswap V3 decoder processed part of the transaction will be correctly decoded now.
  • Creating, editing and deleting accounting rules will now update warnings when rendered events get affected in the history view.
  • Showing a page with a history event with a non-recognized type/subtype combination will no longer stop the page from loading due to an error.

rotki v1.31.0 - Crissum

24 Nov 21:06
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rotki v1.31.0 is a gigantic release containing all the work that the team has been preparing in the last 3 months! The biggest features coming in this release are support for Gnosis chain, support for Base chain, Velodrome support, a UI redesign but also a lot of smaller improvements and new protocol decoders for history events such as graph, ethereum attestation service and more!

It contains 444 commits from 22 different contributors 🤯

For more information check the detailed changelog below 👇


Upgrade is highly recommended. Download the binary for your OS from below:

Optionally, you can also verify the integrity of the aforementioned binaries using the following checksums:

Things to Note

Here Be Dragons

This is a very big release containing a very wide array of changes that touch many different parts of the application. We have thoroughly tested but there can be bugs and things that break or not work as they should. So please keep that in mind when upgrading, be patient and report any problems to us in discord:

Gnosisscan and Basescan API key

Just like with other EVM chains, if you use gnosis or base, we need you to go to and/or and create a user account and a free API key. Then take that key and input it into rotki at (1) API Keys -> (2) Gnosis or (3) Base.


Ledger Actions Removal


The term ledger action has been removed from the application. All your ledger actions have now been migrated to normal history events.


They are now shown along with the rest of the history events in the history section.

Slow loading of history events at first load plus watching redecoding progress

As with any other big release since the decoder system is almost unrecognizable from 3 months ago we automatically request a redecoding of your events at upgrade to 1.31.0.

This way you will have the freshest interpretation of events and miss less important events that rotki 1.30.XX did not see.


Either at this first start or whenever you request a full redecoding you can now clik on the button shown at (1) to watch the progress of evm decoding.


Ability to manipulate history events

As we push towards the history view being the single place to have all your history you can now add and edit all history events.


As you would in the past by adding a ledger action, when you want to add a new event you can just add a history event by pressing the button shown above.


Then you can add any type of event you want. Depending on the type the insertion menu looks different. For more information check the docs.

You can also press edit and edit any event.

Release Highlights

Gnosis chain

Gnosis chain is now supported

Gnosis account balances will now be detected.


All gnosis transactions are now pulled and decoded and shown in a human readable format. They are also taken into account in accounting.

Base chain


Same as with gnosis, base chain is now supported.

UI redesign


The design of the application's UI has been retouched in many places.

Filterable History CSV export


In the history events section you can now apply any filter and the entire history applied to that filter will be exportable as a CSV file of history events. So like in the screenshot above, say you want all transactions of a given address in Polygon you can get it in a CSV.


Can even go further and filter down by a given time range, specific protocol and more!



The velodrome protocol is supported in Optimism.

  • All velodrome transactions will be detected and decoded.
  • Any velodrome pool LP balances will be detected and shown as balances
  • It will all be taken into account during accounting.

Accounting rules customization


The accounting rules of the application can now be customized. Each event's possible type/subtype/protocol counterparty combination can have a rule associated with it. For more details check the guide here

Woo exchange


The woo exchange is now supported! You can add its data via API key.


Balances will be detected, tracked and shown.


And trades in the exchange will also be shown in the exch. trades section. They will also be taken into account for accounting.

The Graph Staking


Staked/Delegated GRT history events will now be properly decoded and shown to the user. Also the staked GRT balances will be detected and counted for your staked balance.

Blockscout Integration


We have integrated with blockscout for rotki. You can know go to and create an account as per the screens...

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Rotki v1.30.2 - Pristine Crest Feather

21 Sep 17:21
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rotki v1.30.2 is a big patch release on top of 1.30.1 fixing bugs our users found in the last 3 weeks and also introducing some minor improvements. Most important bug fixed here is a nasty bug affecting history event decoding for a subset of users who used ENS in a specific way. It contains 22 commits from 5 different contributors.

For more information check the detailed changelog below 👇


Upgrade is highly recommended. Download the binary for your OS from below:

Optionally, you can also verify the integrity of the aforementioned binaries using the following checksums:

New Features

  • Improved support for importing Binance CSV files.

Bug Fixes

  • #6625 Error text when merging assets will now appear properly.
  • ENS registrations that involve a refund to the user due to paying too much should reflect the proper amount in the decoded event.
  • #6597 Transactions involving ENS labelhashes with odd number of digits will now be decoded correctly and the entire decoding process should not halt if they are encountered.
  • Substrate balances in the blockchain & accounts view will now display correctly.
  • #6587 All Kraken special & staking assets, like staking assets bonded for a specific time will now be handled properly.
  • Pointed to the new yearn finance API domain.
  • rotki will now prevent users from merging EVM tokens.
  • #6550 Custom imported rotki events will now be taken properly into account in PnL and shown as recognized in history events view.