Modulation and Arbitrary Waveform Generator for an FPGA
My final undergraduate thesis project. The Verilog source code is accompanied by a Vivado project file and a Xilinx Design Constraint (XDC) file targeted to a Nexys4 DDR Artix-7 FPGA.
This project involves developing efficient, flexible and parameterisable cores that would be used for larger FPGA projects, specifically SDR applications such as radar, telecommunications, and cognitive radio.
View the write up here →.
The MAWG currently provides the following modes of operation:
- Generate standard waveforms at specified frequencies, including sinusoidal, sawtooth, pulse, and chirp signals.
- Modulate an arbitrary signal using frequency modulation with a specified carrier frequency and frequency deviation.
The top level driver module provides a UART interface for real-time
configuration of the MAWG. The
script implements a Python serial
side of the interface.
A single signal is output at the audio jack of the Nexys4 board and at a PmodDA4 attached to the JA Pmod connector.
The module structure is represented below:
|-- Main
| |-- UART_RX
| |-- MAWG
| | |-- WaveGenerator
| | | |-- NCO
| | | |-- Chirp
| | | |-- Sawtooth
| | | |-- Pulse
| | |-- FMModulator
| | | |-- NCO_fm
| | |-- FMDemodulator
| | | |-- NCO_fm
| | | |-- BlockAverager
| |-- PmodDA4_Control
| |-- Audio_Control
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