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Web app for managing links. Features CRUD, user authentication, profiles, contact forms, and list view. Also includes about section and PDF printing.

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Link Union

Link Union is a web application designed for managing links from various sources. It allows users to save links along with a name, description, and tags. The application supports user authentication, user profiles, CRUD operations for managing links, contact forms, and more.

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Usage
  3. Backend Setup
  4. Routes
  5. Controllers
  6. Models
  7. Middleware
  8. Setting Up Development Environment
  9. Testing
  10. Contributing
  11. Further Help


To install Link Union locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone <repository-url>
  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd link-union
  3. Install dependencies: npm install or npm i


Running Link Union Backend Locally

To run the Link Union backend locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Navigate to the project directory
  3. Install dependencies
git clone <repository-url>
cd link-union
npm install
  1. Create a .env file in the root directory and add the necessary environment variables:
  1. Ensure MongoDB is installed and running locally or provide the URL for MongoDB Atlas cluster in the .env file.
  2. Start the server using the following command
npm start #starting the server
  1. The server will start running locally on port 5000 by default. You can access the endpoints using an API testing tool like Postman or via frontend integration.

Deploy on Render

Link Union is deployed on Render as a web service. Follow these steps to deploy:

  1. Build the Angular application
  2. Navigate to the build directory
ng build #build angular application
cd dist/link-union #navigate to directory
  1. Create a new file named render.yaml and add the following configuration:
  - name: link-union
    type: web
    buildCommand: npm install && npm run build
    startCommand: npm start

Create a new Render account if you haven't already. Add a new web service on Render and specify the GitHub repository where your Link Union code is hosted. Deploy the service on Render.

Backend Setup

  1. Environment Variables: Create a .env file with the necessary environment variables, including MongoDB cluster URL and token secret key.

  2. MongoDB Setup: Ensure MongoDB Atlas cluster is set up and accessible. The cluster URL should be provided in the .env file.

  3. Middleware: Configure middleware such as CORS, cookie-parser, and express.json for handling requests.

  4. Passport Configuration: Configure Passport.js for user authentication, including JWT token strategy and Google OAuth2.0 strategy.


Authentication Routes

  • /register: POST request to register a new user.
  • /login: POST request to log in a user.
  • /auth/google: GET request for Google sign-in authentication.
  • /auth/google/callback: GET request callback route for Google authentication.

User Routes

  • /:userId: GET request to fetch user details by ID.
  • /:userId/delete: DELETE request to delete a user and associated links.
  • /:userId/contact: POST request to submit a contact form.

Link Routes

  • /:userId/add-link: POST request to add a new link for a user.
  • /:userId/links/:linkId: GET request to fetch a specific link by ID.
  • /:userId/links: GET request to fetch all links associated with a user.
  • /:userId/delete-link/:linkId: DELETE request to delete a specific link.
  • /:userId/delete-all-links: DELETE request to delete all links associated with a user.
  • /:userId/edit-link/:linkId: PUT request to edit a specific link.


  • AuthController: Handles user registration, login, and Google OAuth authentication.
  • UserController: Manages user-related operations such as fetching user details, deleting users, and submitting contact forms.
  • LinkController: Controls link-related operations including adding, fetching, deleting, and editing links.


  • UserModel: Defines the schema for the user collection, including fields for fullname, email, password, and links.
  • LinkModel: Specifies the schema for the link collection, including fields for name, link, description, and tags.
  • ContactModel: Defines the schema for the contact form collection, including fields for subject, description, and userId.


  • Authorization Middleware: authorize middleware function to verify JWT tokens and authenticate users.


  • Unit tests: npm test
  • End-to-end tests: npm run e2e


Contributions to Link Union are welcome! To contribute:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature/my-feature).
  3. Make your changes and commit them (git commit -am 'Add new feature').
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/my-feature).
  5. Create a new pull request.

Further Help

For more information on using Angular CLI, refer to the Angular CLI Overview and Command Reference page.


Web app for managing links. Features CRUD, user authentication, profiles, contact forms, and list view. Also includes about section and PDF printing.







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