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NextJS starter repository with TailwindCSS & TypeScript


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NextJS starter repository with TailwindCSS & TypeScript


  1. Fork this repository
  2. git clone[your-username]/nextjs-starter-repo.git
  3. cd nextjs-starter-repo && yarn install
  4. vercel link
  5. Get a token from Vercel here.
  6. Add VERCEL_ORG_ID, VERCEL_PROJECT_ID, & VERCEL_TOKEN to your GitHub Secrets here. (ordId & projectId come from the .vercel/ generated when running vercel link)
  7. Update configurations, generators, templates as needed.
  8. Build dope things! πŸŽ‰

Under The Hood

This repository is setup to opt-in to Webpack 5 by default and is opted-in to strict mode for react. It also makes use of a lot of dev tools and configurations:

@commitlint, commitizen, & cz-conventional-changelog

These three packages are used in tandem to create good commits so you don't end up with something like this:

abc123 did a thing
def456 did another thing

Instead proper conventions will be enforced so you end up with something like:

abc123 feat(pages): added about page
def456 test(pages/about): added tests for about page

This is all done by running the command yarn commit. Running to normal git commit -m will result in an error so you are forced to run this command.

If you like aliasing commands add the below to your .bashrc or .zshrc:

alias yc="yarn commit"

The configuration for commitlint and commitizen can be found in the package.json.

If you want to skip the CI/CD workflow on a commit you can add [skip ci] or [ci skip] to the commit message and GitHub will not execute the workflow.

husky & lint-staged

husky is used to run git hooks and lint-staged is used to format, lint, and test any code pre-commit.

In this repository you can see that we committing a laundry list of files will be formatted via prettier and all our .(js|ts|tsx) files will be linted and tested.

The configuration for lint-staged can be found in the package.json.

dot-plop & plop

dot-plop and plop give the repository the ability to have generators. dot-plop specifically gives the TypeScript typings for easier use of plop. You can read more about the generator and templates in this repository further below.

Generators FTW πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

"Automate away the boring stuff."

[Insert developer name] after doing the same thing over and over again.

In this repository there is one generator called feature. Running yarn new feature will give you a list of options to choose from. The output below is just an example of what is possible. You can update the templates as desired and expand the current generator or add as many as you feel like just make note each generator must have a unique name so if you add a generator say helloWorld the command will be yarn new helloWorld

~/Desktop/Projects/nextjs-starter-repo on setup-repository > yarn new feature                                                                        at 16:08:59
yarn run v1.22.10
$ plop feature
? What will this feature require? API Endpoint, Component, Hook, Typings, Service, Page
? What should the api endpoint be named? sign-in
? What should the path to the endpoint be? (no need to include /api/) auth
? What should the component be named? SignInForm
? What should the hook be named? useSignIn
? What should the interface be named? sign-in
? What should the service be named? sign-in
? What should the page be named? SignIn
? What is the path to the page? (i.e. pages/hello/world/)
βœ”  ++ /pages/api/auth/sign-in.ts
βœ”  ++ /components/SignInForm.tsx
βœ”  ++ /hooks/useSignIn.ts
βœ”  ++ /interfaces/signIn.ts
βœ”  ++ /lib/signIn.ts
βœ”  ++ /pages/signin.tsx
✨  Done in 52.01s.


prettier is used for formatting the code in the repository. The configuration can be updated in the package.json.

To manually format the code base run yarn format.

@testing-library/jest-dom, @testing-library/react, jest, & ts-jest

There are a few scripts for testing:

yarn test
yarn test:ci
yarn test:coverage
yarn test:watch

I cannot for the life of me find the article I read about using maxWorkers and runInBand to give credit to that individual. the TL;DR is these flags will speed up the test suites.

The configuration for jest can be found in the package.json. Please note the babel config is exposed in the package.json as well this is there for the reason of jest understanding the code should be passed through babel before executing the tests. Hence the ts-jest.babelConfig: true piece of the configuration.

sass & tailwindcss

This repository uses sass and tailwindcss for styling. As per the Tailwind docs postcss is also being used.

You can find the configurations for postcss in the postcss.config.js and tailwindcss in the tailwind.config.js.


typescript is what is used for type-checking the code base.

The repository is making use of aliasing via TypeScript. Below is a table of the alias mapping:

Alias Path Usage
@components/* components/* @components/Footer
@hooks/* hooks/* @hooks/useAnalytics
@interfaces/* interfaces/* @interfaces/blog
@layouts/* layouts/* @layouts/PostLayout
@lib/* lib/* @lib/mdx
@pages/* pages/* @pages/index
@test-utils utils/testUtils @test-utils
@utils/* utils/* @utils/dateTime

It is important to note any changes made to the compilerOptions.paths property in the tsconfig.json MUST be reflected in the jest.moduleNameMapper or the test suite will fail.

  "compilerOptions": {
    "paths": {
      "@newAlias": ["dir/*"]
  "jest": {
    "moduleNameMapper": {
      "^@newAlias(.*)$": "<rootDir>/dir/$1"

The configuration can be found in the tsconfig.json.

To manually check the code base run: yarn type-check.

GitHub Actions

This repository makes use of GitHub Actions for all the continuous integration & development needs. Under .github/ you will find a dependabot.yml which is the configuration for Dependabot which keeps all the dependencies (including GitHub Actions) up-to-date.

You will also find .github/workflows/ this is where the CI/CD workflows are kept. There are specifically three workflows:

  1. Feature
  2. Staging
  3. Release

The repository is meant for you to follow a git flow similar to the below:

git branch --list
# You should have production and staging.
# checkout from staging to create a feature-branch
git checkout -b feature-one
# build a cool feature
git add .
# don't forget to use this command!
yarn commit
git push
# Open a PR against staging
# feature.yml will then run.
# If all checks pass then you can merge to staging.


This workflow will lint, type-check, test, and run the build to make sure the code is building properly.

If all of these checks pass then the Vercel Action will execute and as long as you provide teh VERCEL_* environment variables referenced above you will end up with a preview url of the current code that will look similar to this:


You can change the preview url to look like the below by going into the feature.yml and uncommenting the alias-domain property and updating as necessary:



The staging workflow is pretty much identical to the feature workflow however the Vercel Action can create a preview url like below with the same setup as above:



This workflow simply releases your app into a production environment and can be aliased to a domain on Vercel or use the base domain Vercel gives you i.e. (https:/[project-name]

Please note if you wish to use different branch names you will need to change them in the each workflow file so they run correctly as well as update branch names on GitHub.


Please visit


MIT Β© Cody Brunner

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Cody Brunner

πŸ’» πŸ“– ⚠️

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!