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FQFeeder is a simple module that is a self-contained, multi-threaded, Fasta/q parser written for C++17 and above. It was developed out of my desire to have a "lightweight" class that provides both single and paired-end Fasta/q parsing in the case where multiple threads are used to parallelize the work being done over the reads. The actual parsing is done using Ali Ghaffaari's kseqpp library, which is a modern C++ reimagining/reimplementation of Heng Li's kseq library. The producer / consumer queue uses Moodycamel's concurrent queue. This library is designed to be efficient and flexible, easy to use, and to act as a lightweight dependency for projects that want to do multi-threaded Fasta/q parsing.

Note: The main purpose of having this module is not necessarily to speed up parsing (since, if you're doing any amount of non-trivial work on the reads themselves, parsing is unlikely to be the bottleneck), but to provide an arbitrary number of worker threads thread-safe access to a stream of reads. That said, this module can make use of multiple producer / parser threads, if one wishes to parse multiple files (file-pairs) simultaneously.


FQFeeder is designed to be simple to use. You can find an example in the TestReader.cpp file in the src directory. Everything lives in the namespace fastx_parser, so you must either prefix the relevant classes with fastx_parser::, or pull this namespace into the scope where you're using it (using namespace fastx_parser). To create a single-end parser, you simply create a FastxParser templated on the type ReadSeq, as so:

// Files is an std::vector<std::string> of files to parse,
// nt is a uint32_t that specifies the number of consumer threads
// we'll have and np is a uint32_t that specifies the number of 
// producer threads we'll have
fastx_parser::FastxParser<fastx_parser::ReadSeq> parser(files, nt, np);

to create a paired-end parser, you simply do the following instead:

fastx_parser::FastxParser<fastx_parser::ReadPair> parser(files, files2, nt, np);

This constructor looks the same, except you use ReadPair as the template parameter and pass in two vectors of strings, the first is for the "left" (_1) reads and the second is for the "right" (_2) reads. You need not explicitly provide a value for np; if you don't, it will default to 1. It only makes sense to spawn multiple producer / parser threads if you're reading from more than one file (or more than one file pair, in paired-end mode), and it doesn't make sense to have more producers than files (file pairs). In fact, if you request more producers than filenames given in the files vector, then a message will be emitted and the number of producers will be set to the number of files. Using multiple producer threads makes the most sense if the input files are compressed, or located on separate physical disks.

When you're ready to start the parser, you call it's start() function, like so:


Now, the parsing threads are filling up the work queue with reads (or read pairs, depending on the parser type).

With the parser created as above, up to nt different threads can pull reads from this parser. For a given thread, the idiom to obtain a group of reads is as follows (using the paired-end parser as an example):

// Get the read group by which this thread will
// communicate with the parser (*once per-thread*)
auto rg = parser.getReadGroup();

while (parser.refill(rg)) {
  // Here, rg will contain a chunk of read pairs
  // we can process.
  for (auto& rp : rg) {
    auto& r1 = rp.first;
    auto& r2 = rp.second;
    std::cout << "read 1 name: " << << ", seq: " << r1.seq << '\n';
    std::cout << "read 2 name: " << << ", seq: " << r2.seq << '\n';

Once you've finished processing the reads, you call the stop() function of the FastxParser, like so:


Note : The purpose of the stop function is to join all of the underlying parsing threads, and to report any exceptions that were encountered (e.g. unexpected end-of-file, corrupt gzip archive, etc.) up the call chain. Hence, the stop() method may throw exceptions (specifically an std::range_error), and so you may wish to wrap it in a try-catch block to catch and handle these if you don't want them to propagate up the call stack. If you forget to call stop(), it will be automatically called by the parser's destructor. However, it is not recommended to do this. Since destructors, generally, should not throw exceptions, any exceptions raised by stop() when called from the destructor will be caught and printed, and then a call to std::exit(-1) will be made. Thus, if exceptions have occured, and stop() has not been called, the destruction of the parser will terminate the program. To remind the user that failing to call stop() is bad practice and against the API usage of this library, an annyoing message will be printed from the destructor in the case that it has not been called before the parser goes out of scope.

That's it! You can do this from as many threads as you want (assuming you specified the correct number in the FastxParser constructor). The refill() function will return false when there are no more reads to be parsed. Using the single-end parser is almost identical, except that you get back a ReadSeq rather than a ReadPair, so there are no .first and .second members, just the seq, and name, fields; both of which are of type std::string.

So, that's all! If you find this module useful, please let me know. If you have bug reports, or feature requests, please submit them via this repository. I'm also happy to accept pull-requests! Happy multi-threaded read processing!


Self-contained, multi-threaded fasta/q parser







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