🤐 Beware - Its all about math
2x + 3y + 10z - 20 + x = 10
3x + 3y + 10z = 30 (Ax + By + Cz = D) form
Equation Standardizer is made with sole purpose of making any user input equation of one degree, into standard form.
Lets consider an equation :
let rawEquation : string = "2x + 3y + 20 + 10y + 20z + 30 = 10y";
In your deno program, download the oneDegreeEqStandardizer.ts file from this repo and import the function as
import {makeItStandard} from "./oneDegreeEqStandardizer.ts";
Pass the raw equation into the "makeItStandard" function
let standardEq = makeItStandard(rawEquation);
This will return output as :
latexArray: [
leftVars: [ "2x", "+3y", "+20z" ],
rightConstant: [ "-50" ]
latexArray :
It contains the three steps of resolving into standard form ✅
Step 1 : It gives the latex of the question
Step 2 : It gives the latex of taking constants, like variables to right and left respectively
Step 3: It gives the latex after computing the like variables and constants taken to left and right.
leftVars , rightConstant :
It gives us the array of standard form variables and constants that were resolved ✅