WIP: Note this project is a work in progress
Backups made easy, automated, monitored and SECURED with an audited encryption.
Schedules backup tasks executed by Backup Maker
, uploaded to Backup Repository
TLDR: Downloads required tools, creates temporary PODS, temporary containers, spawns backup-maker
process and notifies about the result.
# common flows
bahub :backup:make my_db
bahub :backup:restore my_db --version=v1
bahub :backup:restore my_db # latest
# inline docs
bahub :help:info # Lists all built-in backup types and transports
bahub :help:transport:example # Shows example transport configuration for given transport
bahub :help:backup:example # Shows a example configuration for a given backup type
url: "http://localhost:8000"
token: "${API_TOKEN}" # example of reading a variable from ENVIRONMENT
private_key_path: "../backup-maker/resources/test/gpg-key.asc"
public_key_path: ""
passphrase: "riotkit"
email: "[email protected]"
type: bahub.transports.docker # Please notice: Transport name is a Python package path, unofficial transports are welcome!
container: "bahub_adapter_integrations_db_mysql_1"
# ===
# list of backups - name: settings
# usage: bahub :backup:make db_mysql_something
# ===
# ===
# Metadata for backup definition, wires backup settings with those abstractions:
# encryption: How to encrypt your data
# access: How to access Backup Repository server (JWT token, url)
# collection_id: Where to place data on Backup Repository server (need to create a collection and copy it's id)
# transport: Where to run backup - "in a Docker container?", "in Kubernetes kind: Job?", "with kubectl exec?", "with docker exec?", "through ssh?"
# Notice: Metadata is mostly a reference to globally defined settings in this YAML document
# ===
type: bahub.adapters.mysql # Please notice: This is a Python package path, unofficial adapters are welcome!
access: my_local_instance # Please notice: You can make backup to different remote servers
encryption: my_key_pair_one # Please notice: You can encrypt with different keys as you wish
collection_id: "11111-2222-33333-4444" # collection id created on Backup Repository server (optional when saving backup to file only)
transport: my_docker_mysql_container # Please notice: You can execute the backup EVERYWHERE
# ===
# "spec" section contains INPUT PARAMETERS to adapter, in this example to "bahub.adapters.mysql"
# You can implement your adapter and use it there.
# ===
host: "my-database-host.local"
port: 3306
user: "root"
password: "root"
#database: "example" # when "database" is not specified, the all databases will be dumped
- End-To-End encryption using GNU Privacy Guard, you can store your backups on a remote server that will not know what you store. We use GPG as it is audited and trusted.
- Natively sends backups to Backup Repository server
- Backups made with just a one simple command
bahub :backup:make my-db
- Restoring is as simple as backup
bahub :backup:restore my-db
- Does not require additional disk space to store backup, the backup is done on-the-fly
- Natively supports Docker, including databases running in Docker
- Natively supports Kubernetes by running backup commands as jobs or by running commands in application pods
- Understands what is to back up by using native methods such as
and others depending on what application is it. You specify only if it is e.g. PostgreSQL and what are the credentials. - Supports "offline backup" of Docker containers by turning them off, then copying the data
- Slack/Mattermost notifications about successes and failures
- Errors monitoring with Sentry.io support
Abstract architecture:
- Adapters like
are defining how to properly do your backup, there can be many more adapters, even made by external people all around the world - Transports: We support executing backup in
(local shell),docker
(docker container),sidedocker
(offline, copying files of other docker container), but feel free to write your own transport or use transport written by other people. There are many possibilities such as enablingSSH
and more. - Decoupled:
Backup Controller
is scheduling backups, whileBackup Maker
is actually performing backup & encryption & sending.Backup Controler
takes care to spawnBackup Maker
always close to the application data, even if there are multiple data centers.
- Although we do not support currently remote backups via SSH it does not mean that it is impossible -
Backup Controller
is extensible, everyone can write an adapter that will enableECS
,Docker Swarm
or any other transport that can run commands and return output Backup Controller
can use backup adapters and command transports that are placed in other Python packages, so any unofficial adapters and transports are easily pluggable!
- Linux machine when installed directly on host machine, any other os if running on Docker (including Windows)
- Python 3.9 (if you cannot afford to install it on your old CentOS, then use Docker)
- MySQL client tools (if going to backup & restore MySQL databases)
- PostgreSQL client tools (if going to backup & restore PostgreSQL databases)
- GNU tar
- GNU Privacy Guard 2.x (mandatory, for E2E encryption support. There is no way to turn off encryption)
a) via Python package (on host machine)
pip install bahub
b) via Docker (in a container)
# todo
c) using Helm in Kubernetes
# todo
export RKD_SYS_LOG_LEVEL=debug
python -m bahub -rl debug :SOME-TASK-HERE --config=./bahub.conf.yaml
Given your application is marked with app=nginx
label in default
namespace, then a temporary pod that will use same volumes as original pod
will be spawned with image ghcr.io/riotkit-org/backup-maker-env:latest
for maximum amount of 300 seconds
additionally scales down original POD for backup time, after backup is finished the original POD is restored to previous state.
Hint: Scale down services, where is no native backup method, so a filesystem adapter must be used. For example a mysql or postgresql backup using dumping method does not require scaling of the database pods, but copying /var/lib/mysql or /var/lib/postgresql would require pod scaling
type: bahub.transports.kubernetes_sidepod
namespace: default
selector: "app=nginx"
image: "ghcr.io/riotkit-org/backup-maker-env:latest"
timeout: 300
scaleDown: true
type: bahub.adapters.filesystem
access: secured
encryption: strong
collection_id: "${TEST_COLLECTION_ID}" # environment variable, can be an explicit value instead
transport: kubernetes_pod_fs
- /var/www
backup-controller :backup:make fs_kubernetes_pod
With this method backup is performed inside application pod.
Makes a kubectl exec
-like operation into a POD labelled with app=nginx
to perform a backup.
type: bahub.transports.kubernetes_podexec
namespace: default
selector: "app=nginx"
type: bahub.adapters.filesystem
access: secured
encryption: strong
collection_id: "11111-2222-3333-4444"
transport: kubernetes_pod_fs
- /var/www
# see list of built-in adapters (backup types) and transports
backup-controller :help:info
# see example snippet for transport "bahub.transports.docker_sidecontainer"
backup-controller :help:transport:example bahub.transports.docker_sidecontainer
# see example snippet for backup type (adapter)
backup-controller :help:backup:example bahub.adapters.mysql
Contributions are welcome. We are looking for co-maintainers due to fact that we maintain a lot of projects simultaneously.
To setup project you need to use pipenv
pipenv install
pipenv shell
# inside Pipenv's shell
export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)
pytest --disable-pytest-warnings . # run all tests
KEEP_CLUSTER=yes pytest . --disable-pytest-warnings -k TestKubernetesTransport -s # run Kubernetes integration tests
Please follow Conventional Commits guideline, additionally please add issue or pull request number.
fix: #161 pod container status were not checked before attempt to execute a command in container
feat: #1312 implement ssh transport