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Kubernetes Controller for the Backup Repository client


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Part of Backup Repository ecosystem. Operates Kubernetes Jobs performing automated backup & restore procedures.




  • Watch status of CronJobs and it's last executions, report to .status field


  • Integration with ArgoCD to see correct health status
  • Integration with Argo Workflows to use Workflows instead of Kubernetes Jobs

Getting started

Install controller using Helm

//todo: instruction with CRD inside Helm and CRD installed manually as manifests

How it works

This project aims to follow the Kubernetes Operator pattern

It uses Controllers which provides a reconcile function responsible for synchronizing resources untile the desired state is reached on the cluster


Controller is watching ScheduledBackups and creating Secret, ConfigMap and CronJob type resources. It makes sure all dependencies are there for the backup and restore procedures to happen.


  • When there is no GPG key created, it can create it and store as Secret
  • Can create CronJob optionally. When CronJob is disabled, then ScheduledBackup acts as a parent to RequestedBackupAction for manually triggered actions

Example reference:

kind: ScheduledBackup
    name: app1
    namespace: default
    # Operation that will be scheduled: backup or restore
    operation: backup

    # Is this one time operation or a scheduled one?
        enabled: true
        scheduleEvery: "00 02 * * *"

    # Collection ID is an unique identifier for the Backup Collection at server side
    # Read more about the concept there:
    collectionId: 1111-2222-3333-444465

    # GPG keys needs to be stored in a separate Secret placed in same namespace
    # Those keys are needed to encrypt and decrypt backups
        createIfNotExists: true
        email: [email protected]
        passphraseKey: passphrase
        privateKey: private
        publicKey: public
        secretName: backup-keys

    # Access token (JWT) to access the Backup Repository server
        secretName: backup-keys
        tokenKey: token

    # Backup scripts placed as a template
    # Those scripts will run inside Job/CronJob as your backup/restore procedure
        kind: ClusterBackupProcedureTemplate
        name: pg13

    # Input variables that will go into the template
    # See example templates:
    vars: |
        # System-specific variables, in this case specific to PostgreSQL
        # ${...} and $(...) syntax will be evaluated in target environment e.g. Kubernetes POD
          hostname: postgres-postgresql.backup-repository.svc.cluster.local
          port: 5432
          db: backup-repository
          user: riotkit
          password: "putinchuj" # injects a shell-syntax, put your password in a `kind: Secret` and mount as environment variable. You can also use $(cat /mnt/secret) syntax, be aware of newlines!
        # Generic repository access details. Everything here will land AS IS into the bash script.
        # This means that any ${...} and $(...) will be executed in target environment e.g. inside Kubernetes POD
          url: ""
          token: "xxxxxx-yyyy-zzzz" # Is ignored and overwritten if using .spec.tokenSecretRef
          passphrase: "riotkit"
          recipient: "[email protected]"
          collectionId: "iwa-ait"
        # Generic values for Helm used to generate jobs/pods. Those values will overwrite others.
        # Notice: Environment variables with '${...}' and '$(...)' will be evaluated in LOCAL SHELL DURING BUILD
          env: { }
            # if specified, then will be added to `kind: Secret` and injected into POD as environment
            # the value from ${GPG_PASSPHRASE} will be retrieved from the SHELL DURING THE BUILD
          # most secure way for Kubernetes is to not provide secrets there, but define them as environment variables
          # inside SealedSecrets - all encryptedData keys will be accessible as environment variables inside container

    # Imports secrets from Kubernetes Secret, those secrets will cover the keys in "vars"
    # so you can hide sensitive data
            - Params.password
        secretName: backup-keys


Spawns Jobs instantly to perform a backup or restore action.


  • Manages only Jobs. All other resources like ConfigMaps, Secrets are managed by ScheduledBackup
  • All spawned Jobs are watched and its status is reported to the .status field of the RequestedBackupAction
  • Requires ScheduledBackup to be defined to refer to

Example reference:

kind: RequestedBackupAction
    generateName: app1-backup-
    namespace: default
    action: backup
        name: app1


  1. Map has no entry for key password
Cannot template or apply objects to the cluster: cannot apply rendered
        objects to the cluster: error while generating manifests: cannot render
        template, execution failed. Error: template: pg14:7:46: executing "pg14"
        at <.Params.password>: map has no entry for key "password"

Check that your kind: Secret referenced in ScheduledBackup contains a key "Params.password", the reference is defined at this section:

# (...)
      - Params.password
    secretName: postgres-test-1


Copyright 2022 Riotkit.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.