A little library to fetch video stream info from a YouTube video.
YouTube is very fickle with its responses and results may vary.
Add this line to your Gemfile:
gem 'yt_streams', github: 'riencroonenborghs/yt_streams'
and run:
bundle install
That's it really. Now you can add a controller and some views that will lookup a URL and return the streams.
See Yt as an example.
In the project folder run irb
> require './lib/yt_streams'
=> true
> require 'pp'
=> true
> PP.pp YtStreams.info('https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIDEOID')
@title="video title",
=> #<IO:<STDOUT>>
If everything goes well, you will get a YtStreams::VideoInfo object back.
This will contain the title and all associated video streams for the YouTube video.
Typically a YtStreams::Stream will have stream related information like the codec used. Most likely you'd be more interested in url.