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This is basically just a guide with some code snippets that are very commonly used amongst the game hacking community.

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Simple Get Process Id

//I will add more explanation to lines later
DWORD GetProcId(const char* procName)
		DWORD procId = 0;
		HANDLE hSnap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0);
			PROCESSENTRY32 procEntry;
			procEntry.dwSize = sizeof(procEntry);

			if (Process32First(hSnap, &procEntry))
					if (!_stricmp(procEntry.szExeFile, procName))
						procId = procEntry.th32ProcessID;
				} while (Process32Next(hSnap, &procEntry));

		return procId;


//Create a DWORD variable since GetProcId returns DWORD
//DWORD is used to store hexadecimal variables like 0x539
DWORD procId; 

//This will retrieve the process id of the exe you choose.
//This is very useful because this is one of the ways of identifying a "target" process for whatever you want to do with it
//OpenProcess requires a process id to actually work we will cover OpenProcess later
procId = GetProcId("notepad.exe");

DLL injection A classic amongst game hacking or just generally malware
This forcibly loads a dynamic link library into a target process allowing inside access to any memory allocation in the process
There are a million ways to do dll injection some being sneakier than others
I will add c++ code showing a way to do it later

Random Generation My god this quite literally exists in every single game ever and every "cheat" loader ever.
Randomly generated maps and bullet spread are prime examples of usage cases
As for cheat devs they use this to randomize file names or console/window titles for there loader
There are 3 functions needed to do this on windows
-Getting current file name/path

	std::string Path()
		char path[_MAX_PATH]; // defining the path
		GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, path, _MAX_PATH); // getting the path
		return std::string(path); //returning the path

-Generating a new random name for that file

	std::string RandString(size_t length)
		auto randchar = []() -> char
			const char charset[] =
			const size_t max_index = (sizeof(charset) - 1);
			return charset[rand() % max_index];
		std::string str(length, 0);
		std::generate_n(str.begin(), length, randchar);
		return str;

-And Finally putting it all together

	void RandomExe(size_t size) //Renames active file something random on startup to prevent signatures size_t is for the length of the file name
		std::string name = RandString(size) + ".exe";//Generating a beautifully named exe 
		std::rename(Path().c_str(), name.c_str()); //And applying it

Thats all for now folks more to be added later because this was written on 8/1/2021 at 10:03pm


This is basically just a guide with some code snippets that are very commonly used amongst the game hacking community.







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