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Johan Haleby edited this page Jul 20, 2015 · 5 revisions

Release Notes for REST Assured 1.1


  • Major improvements to XML expecations. It now uses Groovy syntax for the expectation string to allow for much better expectations! Note that this fix will break backward compatibility on some expectations. E.g. given

you used to do:

expect().body("", hasItems("John", "Doe"))..

Now this will not work, instead you have to do:

expect().body("", hasItems("John", "Doe"))..

But this also means that you can do:

expect().body("", equalTo(2))..

See this link for more info about the syntax.

  • Major improvements to JSON expectations. It now uses Groovy syntax for the expectation string to allow for much better expectations. Note that this fix will break backward compatibility on some expectations:
    1. JSON lists are always returned as Java lists which means that you should use the hasItem(..) hamcrest matcher and not hasItemsInArray(..) hamcrest matcher.
  • Added XmlPath object which allows you to parse an XML response from a request easily. E.g.
String xml = post("/greeting").asString();
String firstName = with(xml).get("greeting.firstName");

For more information refer to the javadoc of XmlPath

  • Added JsonPath object which allows you to parse an JSON response from a request easily. E.g.
String json = post("/greeting").asString();
String firstName = with(json).get("greeting.firstName");

For more information refer to the javadoc of JsonPath

Other notable changes

  • Support for specifying request/query parameters in the url, e.g.
  • Support for specifying base path using
RestAssured.basePath = "/resource";

E.g. let's say that the base URI is http://localhost and base path is "/resource" will make create a request to "http://localhost/resource/something" when doing a


Default value is empty.

  • Support for specifying default authentication scheme. E.g. use
RestAssured.authentication = basic("username", "password")

to cause all subsequent request to use basic authentication. You can reset to no authentication using RestAssured.reset();

  • Support for registering a predefined parser for unsupported mime-types by using:
RestAssured.registerParser(<mime-type>, <parser>);

E.g. to register that mime-type 'application/vnd.uoml+xml' should be parsed using the XML parser do:

RestAssured.registerParser("application/vnd.uoml+xml", Parser.XML);

You can also unregister a parser using:


Minor changes

See change log for more details