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Releases: reportportal/reportportal


04 Mar 12:45
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1. What's Changed:

  • New feature – Immediate Auto-Analysis:
    This feature employs Auto-Analysis based on specific test cases immediately after their completion for proactive issue investigation.

  • New feature – Immediate Pattern-Analysis:
    No more need to wait for the launch finish. Initiate Pattern Analysis immediately after completion of specific test cases.

  • New Integration – Gitlab Plugin:
    New BTS plugin expanding ReportPortal BTS integration options for streamlined bugs reporting, issues.

  • New feature – Retention Policy for Monitoring events
    Set a custom retention period for monitoring events via environmental variables to tailor data management to your organizational needs.

  • Settings redesign
    Project Settings were redesigned completely, setting the stage for a whole new ReportPortal experience.
    For an improved user experience, please ensure you are using the latest versions of ReportPortal plugins.

  • New language introduced
    Users can now utilize the interface in Chinese and are encouraged to contribute to further translations or improve the existing ones.

2. Small Updates:

  • Change in Base for AA:
    New options for Base for Auto Analysis have been introduced.

  • Enhanced Monitoring:
    Improved Filtering on Monitoring page and expanded list of events being tracked

3. Technical Improvements:

  • ElasticSearch has been replaced with OpenSearch.
    Following ElasticSearch's re-licensing in version 7.11, we've transitioned to OpenSearch to uphold our focus on open-source compatibility.

Important: Migration from ElasticSearch to OpenSearch is irrevocable.

* Please, note that some of the environmental variables names are still ElasticSearch specific, but it will be corrected in the future versions.

  • Service-api migration to Java 21

  • Introduced JCloud provider for local file access, replacing the existing filesystem implementation.

  • Added support for providing a custom salt key using secret management tool to enhance security and flexibility.

  • A new engine for the frontend part of the plugins was created based on Webpack Module Federation to simplify the process of plugins development.

4. Enhancements Based on Community Feedback:

  • #3132 Component Health Check widget improvements.

  • #308 Ability to specify filter parameters in the URL has been added.

  • #2148 Duplicated error logs issue solved.

  • #2159 Option to either include skipped test into Flaky test cases table (TOP 50) widget added.

  • #520, #2006 Launch import improvements.

  • #64, #315 Service-jobs issue fix.

  • #1841, #1999 PR was rejected as it contained breaking changes. Instead new converter for openmetrics was added to configuration.

5. CVE addressed:

CVE-2023-44487, CVE-2023-3978, CVE-2023-1436, CVE-2022-1471, CVE-2022-42003, CVE-2020-36518, CVE-2022-45688, CVE-2023-5072, CVE-2022-22965, CVE-2023-20863, CVE-2022-2297, CVE-2022-1471

6. Released versions

Service Name Repository Tag
Index reportportal/service-index 5.11.0
Authorization reportportal/service-authorization 5.11.0
UI reportportal/service-ui 5.11.0
API reportportal/service-api 5.11.0
Jobs reportportal/service-jobs 5.11.0
Migrations reportportal/migrations 5.11.0
Auto Analyzer reportportal/service-auto-analyzer 5.11.0
Metrics Gatherer reportportal/service-metrics-gatherer 5.11.0

7. Migration Guide


03 Oct 09:33
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1. What's Changed:

  • New feature - Monitoring:
    A new Event Monitoring interface has been introduced, providing administrators with a convenient means to review all activities at the Project level through the Search & Filter functionality within the Admin panel. Events at the instance level are not be visible on the UI, but they are securely stored in the database. This data can be easily transmitted to SIEM systems for future monitoring and analysis.
    More details can be found in our Documentation.

  • Project Activity Panel Adjustments:
    The list of project activities displayed in the Project Activity Panel has been expanded.
    More details can be found in our Documentation.

IMPORTANT: Please take into account that starting from this point forward, all events will have a new format for their storing in the database. Consequently, all events which have been stored prior to version 23.2 will be deleted.

  • New feature – Delete Account:
    Now instance administrators can empower users to delete their accounts and obfuscate associated personal data.
    More details can be found in our Documentation

  • New feature – Personal Data Retention policy:
    ReportPortal now offers the option to set a retention period for collected personal data during instance configuration.
    More details can be found in our Documentation.

Please note that Features 3 and 4 are configurable, giving you the flexibility to decide whether you want to use these features or not. If you choose to utilize them, you can configure them using environmental variables. Further details can be found in the respective documentation.

  • New feature – API Key:
    You can now generate as many API Keys as you need. You also have the ability to keep track of the creation date of API Keys and revoke any that are unused. Old tokens will still continue to function. Additionally, easy identification of the purpose of API Keys is facilitated through the use of prefixes.
    More details can be found in our Documentation.

  • Gitlab CI integration Workaround:
    More details can be found in our Documentation.

2. Small Updates:

  • “Load current step” functionality adjustments:
    Minor refinements have been applied to the "Load current step" functionality. Now, you can access the "Load current step" feature by hovering over a step.

  • Download file name changes:
    Attachment details and download format have been revised: files are now downloaded with the real file names.

  • Configuration examples updates:
    Configuration examples on the user profile page have been updated.

3. Technical Improvements:

  • Storage layer now supports S3 storage, allowing data consolidation into a single bucket for the entire instance.
  • We’ve added postfix for bucket names in binary storage.
  • We’ve updated dependencies with security fixes: service-auto-analyzer and service-metrics-gatherer.
  • The issue of slow Log View loading when STEP has a complex structure of the nested steps nesting and count of them has been resolved and now up to 7x faster.
  • Service-jobs stability is improved during the reporting logs with the large stack traces.
  • We’ve optimized the attachments cleaning mechanism that allows us to increase the default value of the chunk_size by 20 times: from 1000 to 20000 in the docker compose and Kubernetes deployments.
  • Content Security Policy has been extended by adding the Now you can embed videos as a markdown from BrowserStack in order to ease failed tests troubleshooting.
  • Job for Flushing Demo data works as expected thanks to sql error fix.
  • We’ve updated react to version 17 and its dependencies to reduce the number of vulnerabilities and have a smooth transition to version 18.
  • Issues arising when service-api is starting (connected to bucket structure update or the binary storage type update) while there are integrations to external services like Jira have been resolved. Old logic for migrating integration salt has been removed.
  • Launches import via API is possible with additional parameters: name, description, attributes.
  • Rename notIssue parameter for import launch : For the end-point POST/v1 /{projectName} /launch /import parameter notIssue is renamed to skippedIsNotIssue. Logic remains the same.

4. Enhancements Based on Community Feedback:

5. Released versions

Service Name Repository Tag
Index reportportal/service-index 5.10.0
Authorization reportportal/service-authorization 5.10.0
UI reportportal/service-ui 5.10.0
API reportportal/service-api 5.10.0
Jobs reportportal/service-jobs 5.10.0
Migrations reportportal/migrations 5.10.0
Auto Analyzer reportportal/service-auto-analyzer 5.10.0
Metrics Gatherer reportportal/service-metrics-gatherer 5.10.0

6. Link to Migration guide:


31 May 10:08
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1. What's Changed:

  • New ReportPortal logo
    We are thrilled to unveil our refreshed brand identity with a brand-new logo for ReportPortal. As part of our ongoing commitment to innovation and evolution, we have embarked on a rebranding and redesign process to give our product a fresh, modern look and align with the exciting changes ahead.

  • Enhanced permissions:
    Unlock the power of collaboration with limitless access to project filters, widgets, and dashboards for every project member. Now it will be simpler.

  • Rally/Jira Server effortless Integration:
    Post issues from ReportPortal to Jira and Rally seamlessly, without manual credentials.

  • Updated widget validation:
    Easily create widgets with identical names across multiple dashboards.

  • Launch import improvements:
    Get enhanced flexibility with the possibility to upload launches as both .ZIP and .XML files.

  • Attributes logics improvement:
    No more need for creating separate rules for each attribute. Save your time with the integrated option to select either 'All' or 'Any' attributes when creating a Notification rule.

  • Additional email notification on password change:
    Email notifications will always be sent to you whenever your password is changed so that you could promptly take action in case any unauthorized changes are made by third parties.

2. Technical Improvements:

  • Initial Admin Passwords updates:
    We’ve adjusted the existing approach: upon the initial installation and the first login of the SuperAdmin, they will be required to create a unique initial password, distinct from the default password provided in the ReportPortal installation documentation. Failure to do so will result in the Auth service not starting.

  • Removal of Sure Python dependency:
    To ensure compatibility with the Apache2 license, we have eliminated Sure Python dependency from ReportPortal.

  • Updated RabbitMQ image
    RabbitMQ image updated to bitnami/rabbitmq:3.10.8-debian-11-r7

  • Services health checks
    Added health checks for API, Jobs, and UAT services

  • New environments variables for Double Entry that processes logs by Jobs service

3. Enhancements Based on Community Feedback:

  • #41. JIRA integration throws errors while setting up.
  • #243. Email not synchronized after change.
  • #287. Serviceui securityContext issue:
    The release UI image is now based on the non-root nginx image, which is more secure.
  • #1013. Display more results in Flaky/Most Failed test case tables:
    The number of items in Most failed test-cases table (TOP-20) has been increased from 20 to 50.
  • #1618. [v5] Okta SSO login is not possible.
  • #1790. URL links to dashboard are not loading the widgets.
  • #1868. Client exception with client-javascript, Request failed with status code 400:
    The maximum length of Attribute Key and Value has been increased to 512 characters.
  • #1891. Cannot report test results to the project with "demo" name.
  • #1912. Cloud Jira Integration Post Issue is not Coming.
  • #3132. Component Health Check - Needs to wrap text:
    The table now includes a new column named 'Name'. Hovering over the value in the table will display a tooltip with the full text of the value.

4. CVE addressed:

4. Link to Migration guide:

5. Released versions

Service Name Repository Tag
Index reportportal/service-index 5.8.0
Authorization reportportal/service-authorization 5.8.0
UI reportportal/service-ui 5.8.0
API reportportal/service-api 5.8.0
Jobs reportportal/service-jobs 5.8.0
Migrations reportportal/migrations 5.8.0
Auto Analyzer reportportal/service-auto-analyzer 5.7.5
Metrics Gatherer reportportal/service-metrics-gatherer 5.7.4


24 Feb 11:30
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What's Changed:

  1. ReportPortal previously used MinIO Client for file storage, which offered such benefits as:
  • Easy Docker-based installation
  • Kubernetes Support
  • S3-compatible bridge which allows to delegate file storage to S3, but keep using MinIO API

But since there have been some changes in MinIO, we have explored alternative clients for working with cloud storage.

Changes in MinIO:

  • a licensing shift to AGPL which does not allow to have MinIO dependencies in the code anymore
  • deprecation of S3 Proxy Gateway highly utilized in client installations

Thus, we have replaced MinIO Client with JCloud in the latest ReportPortal version.
Starting from ReportPortal 5.7.4 you can either use AWS S3 directly or continue with your existing MinIO as object storage.



Please, don’t forget to update ElasticSearch config.
We've enabled logs double entry by default. Thus, it is important to review your ElasticSearch setup.
Please, read carefully through this migration guide in order to avoid performance pitfalls.


21 Dec 14:33
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  • Implemented functionality to find Next and Previous Error Logs.
    Buttons “Show”, “Next” and “Previous” error logs minimize user’s efforts of scrolling across all the available logs.
  • Improved lazy loading: the number of pre-loaded logs is 300 which helps to get a better understanding of preconditions to a certain error. What is more, now it’s possible to load 300 more logs or load all the current step at once.
  • “Stack trace” in log messages now loads all the Error Logs.
    Besides, with the help of “Jump to” button on the Error Log it’s possible to switch to this Error Log displayed in the “All Logs” view.

Small and nice updates:

#3109 Launch and test item description limits have been increased to 2048. Improved description view on all the “Launches” pages means that now even more useful links, artifacts, OKRs, etc can be stored in the description.


We have refactored logs double-entry saving to Elasticsearch by changing index type: now logs are saved in indexes per project instead of indexes per launch. It helps us to save the performance of Elasticsearch considering other operations and the data which we have processed via Elastic.
More details can be found via the link.

Technical updates:

  • Updated RabbitMQ to 3.10.7.
  • Environment variable added for Service Jobs to configure http/https usage (added to values.yaml for RabbitMQ as well).
  • Added the logics of logs deletion (by jobs): when the logs are deleted by jobs from PostgreSQL, they are also deleted from ElasticSearch.

CVE addressed:


14 Jul 17:28
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What's Changed:

ReportPortal Release 5.7.2 aimed on enabling log messages to be saved into ElasticSearch

  • We now save logs into 2 sources: DB and Elastic (via DataStreams)

New features

  • A possibility to see all unique errors for a launch (click the launch name and see tab Unique Errors on the top
  • #1268. Support of Azure SAML authorization

New plugins

  • Jira Cloud plugin for posting new bugs into Jira Cloud
  • Azure DevOps plugin for posting new bugs into ADO Bug tracking

Small but nice updates

  • New design for Make decision modal (previously Edit defect modal)
  • Help & Support functionality for newly deployed instances
  • Additional configuration for Similar “To Investigate” functionality (“Min Should Match”)
  • Default State for Auto-Analysis is ON

Technical updates

  • Performance improvements (powerful as a hell)
  • Functionality to configure virtual hosts in RabbitMQ for Analyzer

Logs into Elastic

With the version 5.7.2 we bring a fundamental change for ReportPortal to store and manage test logs inside Elastic (via Data Streams).
The transition of full logging to elastic will consist of 2 steps:

  • version 5.7.2 introduces double logging: both in PG Database and Elastic in parallel
  • version 5.8 switch off database logging for logs and will store logs only inside Elastic

The release timeline between 5.7.2 and 5.8 will be about 3 months.
this period will be enough for the vast of project to generate enough logs history inside elastic, and by switching to version 5.8 after 5.7.2 will eliminate the need for the data migration efforts.
Which means, that if you update to version 5.7.2, use it for 3-4 months before version 5.8, and then update to version 5.8 once it available, there will no any effort required to do the migration. Since all logs will already be stored in Elastic.
Along with version 5.8 we will distribute migration script and instructions for data migration. So that you can easily migration from early 5.x version.
The reason of the switch and performance results will be a subject of separate article.
In a few words: it reduces the DB footprint in almost x10 times, improves speed of logging, and minimizes computation power to clean-up data. And also brings Full text search capabilities.

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 5.7.1...5.7.2


Bug connected to filtering by attributes with "any" and "without any" conditions was fixed


06 Jun 08:08
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Technical Improvements:

Functionality to configure virtual hosts in RabbitMQ for Analyzer was added


01 Jun 12:10
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New Features:

A possibility to see all unique errors for a launch
#1268. Support of Azure SAML authorization

New Plugins:

Small and Nice Updates:

  • New design for Make decision modal
  • Help & Support functionality for newly deployed instances
  • Additional configuration for Similar “To Investigate” functionality (“Min Should Match”)
  • Default State for Auto-Analysis is ON


  • New logic for removing widget has been implemented (deleting a parent widget doesn’t delete the child widget)
  • #1603. Attributes. Error on cancel edit common attributes in "Edit items" modal
  • #1181. Most Failed Tests and Most Flaky Tests widgets: wrong time is shown
  • #1606. Component Health Check Widget not working after Upgrade
  • #1616. Component health check (table view) widget for HotProd filter does not load results and keeps spinning

Performance Improvements:

  • 3x improved performance of project index generation for Auto-Analysis
  • Refactored and optimized retry items processing
  • Increased Auto-Analysis performance by updating the communicating interface between API and ANALYZERS


19 Jan 07:51
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24 Dec 10:42
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