Releases: relic-se/vcs-spider
Beta 4
4Kb ROM binary file to be used with an Atari 2600 emulator or physical cartridge. Gradually made changes during playtest period to make this the 4th beta version of the game. Go to to try out the game and submit any feedback.
Beta 1
4Kb ROM binary file to be used with an Atari 2600 emulator or physical cartridge. This is the first beta version of the final game used for playtesting. Go to to try out the game and submit any feedback.
Spider Web v0.1 [PMMF Version]
2Kb ROM binary file to be used with an Atari 2600 emulator or physical cartridge. This is the version of the game presented at the Pensacola Mini Maker Faire on November 16th. There are still many bugs to be sorted out, but it's playable.