Simple bash based backend for notes/todos. Imagine it as a very dumb Git (in it's best possible sense) :).
##Core goals / ideas
- Your todos/notes should be where your work is (in the directory of your project) or if it's todo for You (generally) in your home directory
- Your todos should give you not just direction for the future, but overview of your past
- Your todos should work well in in-zone state of mind (for me that means no clicking around, nowysiwyg, writing them in the same environment as I code my code)
- I TRY to use functional prog. principles (like immutability) and old Unix soul to gain simplicity of mechanics, implementation and workflow ;)
I am using it for my daily todo-s for 2 years now. I linked it to a dropbox folder so I have it synced on all my computers, so the syncing code will be removed. For todo, a propper parser should be finished, then we could add propper TODO/List specific MTL commands.
##Few example workflows
###My daily routine for TODO-s
In the morning before work:
cd ~
mtl daily fwd #extracts undone stuff from yesterday to todays todo, unlinks the yesterdays todo
emacs 20<tab> #opens todays file for example 2013-08-23
At the end of day (you can use store at any point):
mtl store :today
###One-off documents with tracking of changes, etc
We create the document and start writing:
cd ~
mtl create my-book
mtl link my-book
emacs my-book
After some writing:
mtl store my-book "Wrote the first chapter"
After few days of writing:
mtl log my-book
mtl diff my-book 1 #compare working doc to previously stored version
emacs my-book
###. ###. ###. ###. ###. ###Older docs ###. ###. ###. ###. ###.
###Personal daily todos
We have one personal todo per day in our home folder. Each day we create new one from what was left undone from the day before (and from planned things for immediate future "~").
A new day, you go to your home dir and check out what you have done yesterday, and what was left undone:
cd ~
mtl cat done :yesterday
mtl cat todonow :yesterday
Then you extract undone things, store the new file, link it and (because we added unlink at the end) unlink the todo of previous day:
mtl extract :yesterday to :today unlink
During the day you edit the daily todo, and store modifications when you wish (there are shortucts to do it inside emacs or vim):
emacs 2012-02-14
mtl store :today
###Multiple todos/docs for a project
We have multiple continious (not daily) todos for our project ABC. Let's go into it's directory and look at what todos are there.
cd Work/ABC
mtl ls #shows 'code' and 'design' docs
mtl cat code
mtl cat design | less
Is there anything urgent in the design todo? Where are we with code todo?
mtl cat design urgent #is there anything urgent in design todo?
mtl log code #see the history of code todo
mtl cat code todo #see what's there to do in code
Start working on code, store between changes (usually done from within emacs /
emacs code
mtl store code
###Cooperating on a todo
From previous example. We cooperate with a designer. So let's check if he has made any changes to his todo.
mtl sync design from [email protected]:~/mojcas-repo
The design todo merged with his changes, let's check the changes and if we like it we can store it.
mtl diff design
mtl store design
We add new task to his todo, and mirror changes to our online mirror so he will be able to get it.
emacs design #add another task
mtl mirror design to [email protected]:~/my-repo
##Commands dictionary
###Doc naming conventions
:today - gets changed with date of today (2012-02-12 - usefull for daily todos/notes)
:yesterday , :yday - get exchanged with date of yesterday
:tomorrow - the same
doc~w - working version
doc, doc~, doc~0 - last stored version
doc1 , docN - previous, version N stores back
mtl log doc
cat whole doc
mtl cat doc
mtl cat today
mtl cat today~w
mtl cat today~5
cat with filters
mtl cat doc done
mtl cat doc todo
mtl cat doc todonow
mtl cat doc urgent
cat to another doc
mtl cat doc todo to doc2
mtl cat :yday todo to :today
###...more to come...
Runs on Linux and Cygwin (should work on macs too.. if you try please report).
###. ###. ###. ###. ###. ###Yer older docs ###. ###. ###. ###. ###.
Things will of course get streamlined and automated as much as it makes sense. This is heavily WIP!
# cd to the dir of your project and start
mtl init #creates the .mtl dir structure
mtl create work #creates doc work in .mtl dir and index/src files
mtl link work #creates a local symlink to the doc so you can edit it like local file
# work on todo
emacs work #edit the file
mtl store work #store the changes again
mtl diff work #compare the working file with last stored
mtl log work #show the log of stores
mtl cat work #cat the last stored version (TODO: same numbers logic as diff and get)
# previous stores
mtl diff work 0 #compare working to last stored
mtl diff work 0 1 #compare the last 2 stored
mtl get work #set working version from the last stored version
mtl get work 1 #set working version from previously stored version
# more docs
mtl ls #list the docs
mtl cat todo doc #cat extraction of doc (extract is doc without done items)
mtl cat todo doc to doc2 #extract todo items from yesterday to today
mtl cat notes doc #see the notes in some doc
mtl cat done doc #see the done things in some doc
# daily use
mtl create :today
mtl link :today
mtl cat :yesterday
mtl cat :tomorrow
#copy (from) and copy to repo (locally and remotely)
mtl copy from ../projectY # copy whole repo (all docs)
mtl copy from [email protected]:~/repo
mtl copy to [email protected]:~/newrepo
mtl copy doc to [email protected]:~/myrepodoc # copy specific document to some repo
#sync two repos (locally or remotely)
mtl sync ../projectx/work #2way sync all docs with another repo
mtl sync [email protected]:~/work #2way sync all docs with remote repo over ssh
mtl sync designtodo [email protected]:~/projectxcoop #sync specific doc to the remote repo