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udk-avprogramming 2010_SS

Olofsson: Audiovisual programming

In this course we write our own small and simple computer programs to generate and control sound and graphics. We will be programming in languages like SuperCollider, MaxMSPJitter and Processing and also extend beyond the computer using the Arduino hardware platform. By interconnecting programs, adding realtime control, playing with audiovisual mappings and feedback, our minimal programs will start generating complex and interesting results. The course ends with a public demonstration of some of the audiovisual systems we have built during the course.

room111, UdK, medienhaus, kleistpark


  • 15apr: 100415 Playing with delay lines in Audacity, PureData and SuperCollider.
  • 16apr: 100416 Connect laptops in series with mini-jack audio cables. Use simple Pd patches for passing through, manipulating and adding new sound to the chain.
  • 06may: 100506 Explore open sound control (OSC) in MaxMSP, Pd and SuperCollider.
  • 07may: 100507 Connect laptops in a networked markov chain using OSC and SuperCollider.
  • 20may: 100520 Explore randomness with SuperCollider. Weights, distributions, seeds, sound examples.
  • 21may: 100521 More randomness with SuperCollider. Patterns and sound examples.
  • 27may: 100527 Playing sampled sound files with SuperCollider.
  • 28may: 100528 More about playing samples with SuperCollider. Advanced examples segmentation, cutups etc.
  • 03jun: 100603 Granular synthesis with SuperCollider. Including GUI control.
  • 04jun: 100604 More about granular synthesis with SuperCollider. Advanced examples.
  • 24jun: 100624 (external link) Arduino and 1bit music.
  • 25jun: 100625 Connecting Arduino and SuperCollider with firmata and the SCPyduino quark.
  • 08jul: own projects
  • 09jul: own projects

== systems we will use: ==

== other systems: ==

== inspirational links: ==

== other links: ==

== communication ==

  • osc
  • midi
  • mail
  • ftp
  • ir remote controls
  • bluetooth
  • airport
  • serial
  • sound (microphone+speaker (pitch, amp, timbre tracking))
  • vactrol (led+ldr)
  • camera+onscreen graphics
  • subwoofer+accelerometers


UdK audiovisual programming course resources 2010_SS







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