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Tips for Kubernetes

Tibor Šimko edited this page May 10, 2024 · 2 revisions


  1. Delete all runtime pods
  2. Update image on all nodes
  3. Free node cache memory

Delete all runtime pods

When you are developing and would like to remove all running or failed workflow pods, such as reana-run-batch-..., it is not sufficient to remove only the pods. These runtime pods are created from Kubernetes jobs, so the proper way to delete all running workflows is to delete all the jobs:

$ kubectl delete jobs --all

Update image on all nodes

In multi-cluster deployments, it sometimes happen that one would like to update an image on all the nodes. For example, a user might have re-pushed johndoe/myanalysis:latest so that some nodes might have "old" image and some nodes might have "new" image. (The proper way to handle these is to use semantic versioning of images, see What's wrong with the Docker :latest tag?.)

When this happens, the following one-liner can delete all the images from all the nodes, so that next time the workflow is run, the nodes would re-pull latest image:

$ for node in $(kubectl get nodes -l | awk '{print $1;}'); do ssh -q -i ~/.ssh/reana.pem -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no core@$node 'sudo docker rmi johndoe/myanalysis:latest'; done

This also helps when we would like to prefetch a certain image to all the nodes in advance, e.g. during benchmarking:

$ for node in $(kubectl get nodes -l | awk '{print $1;}'); do ssh -q -i ~/.ssh/reana.pem -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no core@$node 'sudo docker pull johndoe/myanalysis:42'; done

Note that sometimes Kubernetes clusters do not use Docker as a container technology, but Podman. In these cases crictl can be used:

$ for node in $(kubectl get nodes -l | awk '{print $1;}'); do ssh -q -i ~/.ssh/reana.pem -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no core@$node 'sudo crictl rmi johndoe/myanalysis:latest'; done

Free node cache memory

If REANA is not starting user jobs due to not having enough memory, even though the cluster seems little used, it could be due to having a lot of buffered/cached memory in cluster nodes.

For example:

$ kubectl top nodes
reana-aaabbbcccddd-node-82    214m         2%     7312Mi          52%


[core@reana-aaabbbcccddd-node-82 ~]$ free -h
               total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:            14Gi       2.1Gi       1.4Gi       5.0Mi        10Gi        11Gi
Swap:             0B          0B          0B

When this happens, one can force the clean-up of the OS cache by doing sudo sysctl vm.drop_caches=3 on all nodes, so that cache is flushed and Kubernetes sees the all available memory again:

for node in $(kubectl get nodes --show-labels -o wide | grep -v Disabled | grep runtime | awk '{print $1;}'); do echo "==> $node" && ssh -q -i ~/.ssh/reana.pem -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no core@$node "sudo sysctl vm.drop_caches=3"; done