Approximate Schedule for Distributed Systems Vijay K. Garg
- Topics:
- Introduction
- Programming Language Primitives
- Happened Before Model
- Vector Clock Algorithms
- Resource Allocation
- Lect 1:Introduction, Prog. language primitives
- Lect 2: Model of computation, Logical clocks
- Lect 3: Vector clocks
- Lect 4: Timestamp based Mutex
- Lec 5: Dining Philosopher
- Lect 6: Quorum based Mutex
Due: Term project proposal, HW1
- Topics:
- Global Snapshot Algorithms
- Observing Global Conditions
- Channel Predicates
- Termination Detection
- Controlling Global Computation
- Lect 7: Test 1 (40 min), Global State
- Lect 8: Class Presentation I: Map Reduce, GFS
- Lect 9: Observing global predicates
- Lect 10: Termination detection
- Lect 11: Class Presentation II: Chain Clocks, Dynamo
- Lect 12: Conjunctive predicates
Due: HW2, Term project interim report (1 page)
- Topics:
- Message Ordering
- Leader Election
- Synchronizers
- Lec 13: Test 2 (40 min), Order of Messages
- Lec 14: Class Presentation III: Distributed Trigger Counting, Minimum Spanning Tree
- Lec 15: Leader Election
- Lec 16: Spanning Tree
- Lec 17: Class Presentation IV:P2P System Chord , Publish-Subscribe Systems
- Lec 18: Synchronizers
Due: HW3
- Topics:
- Consensus
- Failure Detection
- Self-Stabilization
- Lec 19: FLP result,
- Lec 20 Consensus with crash and BGA
- Lec 21: Class Presentation V: Paxos, Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance
- Lec 22: Knowledge, Failure detectors
- Lec 23: Guest Lecture: TBD
- Lec 24: Self-stabilization
Due: HW 4, Term Paper (8 pages)
- Recovery,
- Fault-tolerance based on Fusion,
- Approximate Agreement
- Test 3 (75 minutes)
- Project Presentations
- Lec 25: Commit protocols
- Lec 26: Project Presentation I
- Lec 27: Recovery
- Lec 28: Test 3
- Lec 29: Project Presentation II
- Lec 30: Project Presentation III
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