Blog App is a web application that allows you to create, view, search, and manage blog posts using Streamlit and Python. Blog App uses SQLite as the database to store the posts and their details. Blog App also provides some statistics and visualizations of the posts and authors.
To run Blog App, you need to have Python 3.6 or higher installed on your system. You also need to install Streamlit and its dependencies using the following command:
pip install streamlit
You can also use a virtual environment to isolate the dependencies. For more details, you can refer to the web search results I found for you .
To run Blog App, you need to use the streamlit run command in your command prompt or Anaconda shell. For example, if your file name is, you can type:
streamlit run
This will start a local Streamlit server and open your app in a new tab in your default web browser. You can also pass arguments to your file or use a URL instead of a file name. For more details, you can refer to the web search results I found for you .
Blog App has a sidebar menu with different options:
- Home: This option displays the welcome message and some information about the app.
- View Posts: This option displays all the posts in the blog. You can click on the "Read More" button to view the full post. You can also sort the posts by date or title using the dropdown menu.
- Add Post: This option allows you to add a new post to the blog. You need to fill in the author, title, content, and date fields and click on the "Submit" button. You will see a success message if the post is added successfully.
- Search: This option allows you to search for a post by title or author. You need to enter your query in the text input and press enter. You will see the matching posts if any, or a message if none are found.
- Manage: This option allows you to delete posts or view some statistics. You need to select a post to delete from the dropdown menu and click on the "Delete" button. You will see a confirmation message if the post is deleted successfully. You can also check the "Show statistics" box to see some basic statistics and a bar chart of posts by author.