- Recursion 🙌
- Backtracking 🧨
- Dynamic Programming 🎡
- Binary Tree 🐱🏍
- Binary Search Tree 🙌
- Heap 🧨
- Linked List 🎡
- Graph 🐱🏍
- Greedy 🙌
- Permutations Of a String
- Combinations
- Letter Combinations of a Phone Number
- Generate Parentheses
- Remove Invalid Parentheses
- PalindromePartitioning
- Letter Case Permutation
- Permutations
- Permutations 2
- Subsets
- Subsets 2
- Combination Sum
- Combination Sum II
- Combination Sum III
- N-Queens
- N-Queens 2
- Rat In a Maze
- Sudoku Solver
- Print all possible paths from top left to bottom right of a mXn matrix
- Unique Paths III
- Find paths from corner cell to middle cell in maze
- Find shortest safe route in a path with landmines
- Longest Possible Route in a Matrix with Hurdles
- Word break
- Word Break II
- M Coloring Problem
- Hamiltonian
- MatchAPattern
Graph ✔
- Graph Implement ✔
- Traversals ✔
- Clone a Graph ✔
- Count connected components ✔
- Keys and Rooms ✔
- Number of Provinces ✔
- Number of Operations to Make Network Connected ✔
- DSU implementation ✔
- Cycle detection Undirected ✔
- Shortest Cycle
- Cycle detection Directed ✔
- Topological sorting ✔
- Course Schedule I ✔
- Course Schedule II ✔
- Arrival and Departure time ✔
- Find Itinery from Given arrival and departure
- Bipartite (Two coloring Problem) ✔
- Total Paths Src and Dest Given
- Is a Graph Tree ✔
- MST Kruskal's Algo ✔
- Commutable Islands ✔
- MST Prim's Algo ✔
- 0-1 BFS
- Dijkstra's Algo ✔
- Bellman Ford
- Floyd Warshall Algo
- Print Negative Weight Path(Cycle) in Directed Graph
- Transitive Closure
- Flood Fill
- Applying DFS on GRID
- Counting Connected Component in GRID / Number of Islands ✔
- Applying BFS on GRID
- Surrounded Region ✔
- Steps by Knight
- Multisource BFS
- 01 Matrix ✔
- Word Search ✔
- Unit Area of largest region of 1's ✔
- As Far from Land as Possible ✔
- Rotting Oranges ✔
- Shortest Path in Binary Matrix ✔
- Find Whether Path exists ✔
- Print Backedges or Print one Cycle
- Articulation Point and Bridges
- Biconnected Graph
- Strongly Connected Components (Kosaraju)
- Mother Vertex ✔
- DFS on Trees
- Print the Path b/w any two nodes of a tree
- Euler's tour
- Traversals ✔
- Size of a Binary Tree ✔
- Height of a Binary Tree ✔
- Count leaves of a Binary Tree ✔
- Maximum int node in Binary tree ✔
- isFullBt ✔
- isSymmetric/Mirror ✔
- Two tree is mirror ✔
- Invert Bt ✔
- Print leaves in BT ✔
- Right View of Bt ✔
- Left View of Bt ✔
- Vertical Order traversal of Bt ✔
- Bottom View of Bt ✔