A simple virtual machine used to run programs in an imaginary instruction set. Still in very early development, working on basic functionality and instructions.
PSH - Pushes a value onto the stack
POP - Pops a value from the stack
POR - Pops a value from a given register back onto the stack
ADD - Adds the two values on top of the stack together
SUB - Subtracts top two values of the stack
MUL - Multiplies top two values of stack and pushes the result
DIV - Divides top two values of stack and pushes the result
MOV - Moves a value into a given register. Takes value from top of the stack if no value is given.
JMP - Jumps the instruction pointer to a specified point of execution
JIE - Jump If Equal - Jumps to specified point of execution only if the last CMP instruction was true. (equal).
JNE - Jump Not Equal - Jumps to specified point of execution only if last CMP instruction was false. (not equal)
JGT - Jump Greater Than - Jumps to specified point of execution if last CMP resulted in a Greater Than comparison.
JLT - Jump Greater Than - Jumps to specified point of execution if last CMP resulted in a Less Than comparison.
CMP - Compares two values. Can be given two registers or one register and one value. Flips the CMP_FLAG to 1 if they are equal.
ALC - Allocates a specified number of bytes of memory and stores the pointer in the F register
FRE - Frees the allocated memory
ST - Stores a value into allocated memory
LD - Loads a value from allocated memory
MSG - Just prints the value on top of the stack for now
HLT - Halts execution of the program
A, B, C, D, E - General purpose registers. Can be accessed at will.
F, - Pointer register. Stores a memory address to dynamically allocated memory.
PC, SP, - Program counter and stack pointer. Can not be accessed.
flags, - Holds flag information in a bit field
; This program just moves values around in order to illustrate usage
PSH 5 ; Pushing values onto the stack
ADD ; Adding top values together to get 11
MOV A ; Pops 11 off the stack into the A register
PSH 20
POR A ; Pops 11 out of the A register back onto the stack
SUB ; Subtracts 20-11 = 9
MOV 25 B ; Moves 25 into the B register
ALC 2 ; Allocate 2 bytes of memory
ST ; Pops 9 off the stack and stores it into the newly allocated memory.
LD ; Loads 9 from the allocated memory address
POR B ; Pop 25 from B register back onto the stack
ADD ; Add 9+25
FRE ; Frees the previously allocated memory
HLT ; Halt execution