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A beginner's React Redux Redux-Undo Saga TypeScript Material-Ui Sass Webpack starter pack, all linted, ready for VSCode. This project is aimed to help beginners get started with a working example of all these technologies without having to fight all their way to make them work together.


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A beginner's React Redux Saga TypeScript Material-Ui Sass Webpack all-in-one example with Context, ready for VSCode

This project is aimed to help beginners get started with a working example of all these technologies without having to fight all their way to make them work together.

Package Contents

Main packages

  • React - Bootstrapped with Create React App

  • React Router - A collection of navigational components that compose declaratively with your application.

  • React.lazy - lets you render a dynamic import as a regular component.

  • React Context - to pass data top-down without explicitly passing them as Props.

  • Redux - A Predictable State Container for JS Apps

  • TypeScript - Adding static type definitions to JavaScript

  • Redux-Saga - to make application side effects easier to manage

  • Redux-Undo - enchances existing redux reducer with undo functionality

  • Material-UI - React components for faster and easier web development.

  • Sass - CSS with superpowers

  • Lodash - A modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance & extras.

  • Webpack - A static module bundler for modern JavaScript applications


We basically use ESLint which statically analyzes your code to quickly find problems. It also extends the following ESLint plugins, mostly selected from this Awesome ESLint plugins list.

  • Airbnb - To enforce Airbnb's style guide

  • TypeScript - For TypeScript codebases.

  • CSS-modules - For CSS

  • JSON - For JSON data.

  • Lodash - Lodash-specific linting rules for ESLint.

  • Promise - Enforce best practices for JavaScript promises.

  • Stylelint - Helps us avoid errors and enforce conventions in your CSS & SASS styles.

Prettier code

This project uses Prettier - opinionated code formatter - to make our code more readable.

VSCode integration

The project was built using VSCode and the .vscode folder includes the necessary settings files. The following VSCode extensions are suggested.

Note: Using the given configuration files, there should be no conflicts between the different linters and VSCode extensions.

Other good-to-have extensions


For the ultimate beginners, you first need to install the following on your computer.

Then download or clone this repository with

git clone

Finally install all the required project packages node_modules with

yarn install

Executing / Deploying

In the project directory, you can run:

yarn start

This will run the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.

yarn build

Builds the app for production to the build folder.
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance. The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes. The app is ready to be deployed!

Use yarn serve -l 3000 -s build to serve it and open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

yarn webpack:start

Similarly to yarn start this will use Webpack to bundle all the required stuff into one single bundle. Open http://localhost:5000 to view it in the browser. The page will reload if you make edits.

yarn webpack:build

Similarly to yarn build this will use Webpack to bundle all the required stuff into one single bundle to the dist folder, ready for deployment.

Viewing the production builds

Put the dist or build files in the root of a server (Apache/XAMPP) and access using something similar to: http://localhost/ or else serve it directly using yarn serve -s <foldername> example: yarn serve -s dist

Editing the code

Now that the installation is over and you have successfully compiled the project, you can start experimenting with the code. The following is a short guide of what does what...

Project Contents - Working Examples available in the starter kit

  • src\index.tsx - Although everything starts from here, there is nothing special in this file.

  • components\App\index.tsx - The main App.

  • components\App\index.tsx - Lazy loading of 2 components, Simpletextcomponent and Hooks, with Suspense.

  • components\App\index.tsx - A React Router switches between the view of 2 lazy loaded 2 components.

  • components\Hooks - An example of Hooks and how state is lifted upwards, to be saved in parent component.

  • components\ContextStuff - An example of how to pass Context info, use it in Components and modify it when necessary.

  • components\SimpleTextComponent - An example of a simple React Component. The SASS styles are loaded from the file styles.module.scss.

  • components\Redux - An example of how to use Redux (with Actions, Store and Reducers).

  • components\ReduxUndo - An example of how to add Redux undo to your Redux application.

  • components\ReduxUndoSaga - An example of how to add Saga undo to your Redux application.

  • components\MaterialButtons - An example how to use Material-ui components, together with Theming. Extra SASS styles are loaded from the file styles.module.scss.

  • components\StyleStuff - Some examples how to import and modify Material-UI components and customize styles and Themes.

Disclaimer & Improvements

As you may have noticed, this project is by itself an experiment. Hence, most probably, there are things which can be done in a much better way. If you would like to improve on this project, please do so 😉!


A beginner's React Redux Redux-Undo Saga TypeScript Material-Ui Sass Webpack starter pack, all linted, ready for VSCode. This project is aimed to help beginners get started with a working example of all these technologies without having to fight all their way to make them work together.




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