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Rails Engine

Difference kind of modules for Rails.


  1. action-store action-store Public

    Store different kind of actions (Like ❤️, Follow 👁, Star ⭐, Block ...) in one table via ActiveRecord Polymorphic Association.

    Ruby 403 30

  2. notifications notifications Public

    🛎 Notifications Center engine like GitHub or other application for any Rails applications.

    Ruby 389 42

  3. role_core role_core Public

    🔐A Rails engine providing essential industry of Role-based access control.

    Ruby 298 25

  4. form_core form_core Public

    A Rails engine providing ability to generate dynamic form.

    Ruby 188 29

  5. audit-log audit-log Public

    📑 Create audit logs into the database for user behaviors, including a web UI to query logs.

    Ruby 165 24

  6. exception-track exception-track Public

    Tracking ⚠️ exceptions for Rails application and store them in database.

    Ruby 119 32


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