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Infinite scroll for your Ember app.


# From within your ember-cli project
ember install:addon ember-infinite-scroll


In your template:

{{#infinite-scroll content=model hasMore=hasMore}}

Simply display your list of items as you normally would and then add the infinite-scroll component directly after. Whatever is provided in the component block will only show up when more content is being fetched.

In the actions hash of your route/controller/component:

fetchMore: function(callback) {
  var promise = this.fetchMoreItems();

In order for everything to work correctly, it is critical that the callback function is passed the newly created promise that will resolve with the additional items.

If you need the scrollable element to be something other than window, just pass the element's selector as the scrollable option:

{{#infinite-scroll content=model hasMore=hasMore scrollable='#scrollable'}}

If you don't need to asynchronously request more data, you may want to follow this suggestion by @SirZach.