Fullstack clone of Twitter. Created with React, Next.js, Apollo, Node.js, Express, GraphQL, PostgreSQL, and Docker. Live demo: https://twitter.rafaelalmeidatk.now.sh/
The objective of this project is to be an example of a real-world application that is not trivial, with everything working together. Twitter is pretty big so only the main functionalities have been implemented.
Go into the client and server folder, copy .env-sample
and rename to .env
Make sure you have docker-compose
installed. Then run:
make dev
This will start the client and API servers. When they finish loading you can access the app with the address http://localhost:3000
To start using the API you first need to reset the database. This will run the migrations and seed the database with initial data. Make sure the containers are running and run:
make reset-db
- Front-end: React, Next.js, Apollo Client, styled-jsx, Adorable Avatars
- Back-end: Node.js, Express, Apollo Server, Knex.js, PostgreSQL, GraphQL
- Infrastructure: Docker, Heroku, Now