Consolidate sphinx documentation.
- Use {CAPS WITH SPACES} for user variables.
- Update windows landing page with subpage links.
- Update style-guide with variable and link guidance.
- Update build documentation with how to check links.
- Updated ConfigTable version.
- Update sphinx build and style guide docs.
- Remove unused variables from Makefile.
- Migrate Conan Exiles / 7 Days to Die docker service.
- Removed unifi-controller VM template. Use service/unifi.
- Move Play-On to services, and remove VM templates.
- Convert Play-On requirements to ConfigTable table.
- SSH documentation moved into SSH service; references updated as needed.
- Variables standardized (e.g. USER/USERNAME).
- Consolidate glossaries to a single location.
- aafig does not support the CheckExternalLinksBuilder (returns format = ''); override with an explicit no output for aafig if the builder format cannot be determined. This does not change the code otherwise.
- Add explicit linkcheck option for Makefile, as specifying a custom configuration location breaks the option interpretation.
- Update link checker configuration and fix links.