Scripts and docs from the Data Science Special Interest Group at the Quadram Institute Bioscience.
Materials and notes used to facilitate the discussions during the meetings.
- Plotting Phylogenetic trees in R (Nabil-Fareed Alikhan)
- Exploring Statistical Procedures (George Savva)
- Rarefaction of microbiome data (Andrea Telatin and Matteo Calgaro) (data)
- Decision Trees and Random Forrests with Python (Dipali Singh)
- Machine Learning: Cross-validation and Visualizations with Python (Giovanni Birolo)
- Differential Abundance: BENCHDAMIC
- Introduction to Shiny App development (Alise Ponsero)
- MetaPhlAn and HuMANN session
- Compositional Data analysis for microbiome data (Alise Ponsero)
Introductory material:
If you are a researcher at the QIB and want to join the group, reach out with Core Bioinformatics to be added to the mailing list, and check the intranet events.