Provider Lookup is a web application allowing users to search for individual medical providers in the United States registered under the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES). This application is adapted from the NPPES National Provider Identifier (NPI) Registry Website (
This application is implemented using Elixir and HTML with the Phoenix framework, and it also uses PostgreSQL for the database.
The data sources for this application come from the NPPES official website and the National Uniform Claim Committee:
Note: This build is optimized for development purposes only.
It's an Elixir application built with the Phoenix web framework, PostgreSQL, and etc. About 10GB of free space is also required.
mix deps.get
mix help provider_lookup.pull
mix provider_lookup.pull
This will pull the latest dataset from the NPPES website into the data
directory and store the latest filename in
mix ecto.setup
Note: This may take a long time to run as the data file to process is more than 8 GB in size.
To start you Phoenix server:
- Start Phoenix endpoint with
mix phx.server
or inside IEx withiex -S mix phx.server
Now you can visit localhost:4000
from your browser.