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DDP 3D U-Net

Basic 3D U-Net in pytorch, with support for distriuted data parallel (DDP) training and automatic mixed precision training. Currently configured for N-body -> hydro project.


Developed and tested with:

  • pytorch 1.4.0 (via NERSC module pytorch/v1.4.0-gpu)
  • Nvidia apex for distributed and mixed precision training


Create expts directory to store outputs of experiment runs, or alter to point to your desired location. For basic single-GPU, single-process training, do

python --run_num=00

Configurations are currently specified in the config/UNet.yaml file. The default config will be automatically selected, but you can use the --config flag to choose a different config, e.g.:

python --run_num=00 --config=some_alternate_config

Alternatively, sample SLURM job scripts are provided for single-GPU (submit1.slr) and multi-GPU (submit8.slr, submit16.slr) training.

Multi-GPU training

Currently, all processes will read from the same HDF5 data file as is required for the N-body -> hydro project. To prevent a deadlock from multiple process reading the same HDF5 file, you must do export HDF5_USE_FILE_LOCKING=FALSE before invoking the distributed training.

For muti-process/multi-GPU training, use the torch.distributed.launch script:

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 --run_num=00 --config=multi8

Misc info

  • Saving checkpoints currently does not support mixed precision. Adding this functionality is simple, see the apex AMP docs.
  • Sample outputs, losses, and statistics are pushed to tensorboard at the end of each "epoch". Currenly these outputs are taken directly from the training data, to avoid opening up a separate data file containing validation data
  • Model will automatically restart from a checkpoint if and only if there exists a saved checkpoint file in the experiment directory for the run
  • The random rotations in the data pipeline degrade the DDP scaling when running on a full GPU node (8 GPUs), currently trying to fix this behavior. Without these, the scaling is close to ideal, even up to 8 nodes/64 GPUs.


3D U-Net for pytorch DDP training






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