This is a Student-Faculty Document sharing app wherein, both the faculty and student can share documents and other informations. The Admin Side of the app is where the faculty resides and the User Side of the app is where the student resides.
The faculty/admin (app: adVIT) has the authority of uploading documents such as notices, pdf's, study materials, notifying students of the events and other functions being organised in the college and they also have control over some other features of the app as well.
The student/user (app: VIT-Nutshell) can log-in to the app using there mail or college credentials and explore features like view the information related to college such as location (using the map) or past records, events being organised in college, can download study material provided by the faculties, upload tasks provided by the faculties and view important notices provided by the college administration.
At the heart of the app lies Java with outside look and feel provided by Material UI Components.