This repo contains a pre-alpha version of all the main code needed to run Project Neon's RoboCop SSL intelligence.
The whole ssl environment is divided in several modules most of them are represented on the following diagram
The following modules are maintained by the RoboCup community:
- SSL-Vision: This program transform the camera image in robot position and field geometry
- Auto-ref (Tigers & ER-Force): This program filters the vision data and judges if any fault were commited
- Game Controller: This program manages the real game state by reading what the auto refs sent and the human ref decision
The following modules are maintained by our team:
- Neon FC: This is the part of the code that connects all computer side software programs and makes the decision for each robot velocities.
- Interface: Here all the interaction between the decision and the human user are centered
- Firmware: This is the repo that contains all the embedded software robots and station
This project is maneged using poetry and is meant to be run on ubuntu
poetry run python neonfc_ssl/