Creating a simple transform to the SoundCloud's waveforms from the image url
$ npm i react-native-soundcloud-waveform --save
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-native';
import SoundCloudWaveform from 'react-native-soundcloud-waveform'
setTime = (time) => {
render() {
<View style={Styles.progressContainer}>
Prop | Default | Type | Description |
waveformUrl | required | string |
The png format waveform_url object of the SoundCloud's track |
setTime | required | func |
Callback function to update the current time. (returns progress in between 0 - 100 ) |
percentPlayed | required | number |
The current time of the track (progress in between 0 - 1 ) |
percentPlayable | 0 | number |
The percentage of the track that has been buffered (progress in between 0 - 1 ) |
height | 50 | number |
The height of the waveform |
width | screenWidth |
number |
The width of the waveform |
active | #FF1844 |
string |
Active Color of the waveform |
activeInverse | #4F1224 |
string |
Active Color of the inverse waveform |
activePlayable | #1b1b26 |
string |
Active buffered track color of the waveform |
activePlayableInverse | #131116 |
string |
Active buffered track color of the inverse waveform |
inactive | #424056 |
string |
Inactive color of the waveform |
inactiveInverse | #1C1A27 |
string |
Inactive color of the inverse waveform |
- @pritishvaidya The main author.
Feel free to contact me or create an issue