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added twilight processing code and a couple files needed for dive pro…
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aeschmidt committed May 22, 2023
1 parent b9473f6 commit 784760d
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Showing 5 changed files with 1,102 additions and 0 deletions.
235 changes: 235 additions & 0 deletions code/geoloc_code/GDR_analysis_SGAT_1617_preprocess.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
# Script for pre-processing light-level geolocation data from 1617
# Setting up to access files directly from AWS
### Load packages
rm(list = ls())

# Set credentials for aws access
# Should only need if accessing private repo
# Sys.setenv(
# "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" = "your_key",
# "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" = "super_secret_key",
# "AWS_DEFAULT_REGION" = "us-west-2"
# )

# Temperature is measured every 30 seconds in 1/10 degree C, converted to degree C in processing
# Pressure measured once per second in mBar, converted to meters in processing
# Light is measured per minute on the minute in lux, not converted in processing

# List content of GDR_1718 folder
tmp = get_bucket_df(bucket = "deju-penguinscience", prefix="AllData/gdr_datashare/GDR_1617/") # 67 files

## Get info on retrieved devices in "data/croz_royds_gdr_depl_all_v....csv"
depl_dat <- read.csv("data/croz_royds_gdr_depl_all_v2021-08-27.csv")%>%
filelist<-as.character(subset(depl_dat$filename, depl_dat$filename!="NA")) # 67 files


## Load the raw data for interactive twilight annotation
for(i in index){
# pull out filename and paste to create path
print(paste("Loading", fn, "...", sep=" "))
path=paste0("s3://deju-penguinscience/AllData/gdr_datashare/GDR_1617/",fn ,sep="")
raw <-s3read_using(fread, object = path, skip=25, drop=6, col.names=c("date","time","temp","pressure","lux"))
raw$Date <- as.POSIXct(paste(raw$date, raw$time), format = "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S", tz = "GMT")
raw$Light <- log(ifelse(raw$lux<1, 1, raw$lux))
# Change start date and time of rebooted loggers (71695, 63054, 46408)
if (fn=="LUL529_71695_CRM19.txt") { # 71695
raw$Date <- seq(from=as.POSIXct("2016-07-18 14:43:00", tz="GMT"), by=1, length.out=length(raw$Light))
} else if (fn=="LUL6117_46408_CRM7.txt") { # 46408
raw$Date <- seq(from=as.POSIXct("2016-08-30 10:13:00", tz="GMT"), by=1, length.out=length(raw$Light))
} else if (fn=="LUL6101_63054.txt") { # 63054
raw$Date <- seq(from=as.POSIXct("2016-09-07 11:05:00", tz="GMT"), by=1, length.out=length(raw$Light))
} else {
print("Dtime is fine - no need to change")
# Modify dtime according to clock drift
print("Adjusting for clock drift: applying mean drift rate of 0.9651941 sec per day")
drift_rate <- 0.9651941
end <- raw$Date[length(raw$Date)] + drift_rate*as.numeric(difftime(raw$Date[length(raw$Date)], raw$Date[1], units="days"))
raw$Date <- driftAdjust(time=raw$Date, start=raw$Date[1], end=end)
raw$Date <- with_tz(raw$Date, "GMT") # lubridate function
# Remove NA values
raw <- subset(raw, !$Light))
# Subset with deploy and retrieval dates
#deploy_date <- as.POSIXct(depl_dat$date_deployed[depl_dat$filename==paste0(filelist[i], ".txt")], format="%m/%d/%Y", tz="GMT")
#retrieve_date <- as.POSIXct(depl_dat$date_retrieved[depl_dat$filename==paste0(filelist[i], ".txt")], format="%m/%d/%Y", tz="GMT")
deploy_date <- as.POSIXct(depl_dat$deploy_date[which(depl_dat$filename==filelist[i])], format="%Y-%m-%d", tz="GMT")
retrieve_date <- as.POSIXct(depl_dat$retrieve_date[which(depl_dat$filename==filelist[i],)], format="%Y-%m-%d", tz="GMT")
raw <- subset(raw, raw$Date>=deploy_date & raw$Date<=retrieve_date)
#Release coordinates
if (depl_dat$br_col[which(depl_dat$filename==filelist[i])]=="CROZ") {
lon.calib <- 169.237657
lat.calib <- -77.453600
} else {
lon.calib <- 166.168286
lat.calib <- -77.552929
## Twilight annotation
# Choose twilight threshold and visualize raw light data
threshold <- 1
offset <- 0 # adjusts the y-axis to put night (dark shades) in the middle
# (0 to 4, or 23 depending on files - no negative values!)
lightImage( tagdata = raw,
offset = offset,
zlim = c(0, 20)) # There is twilight from March to October
tsimageDeploymentLines(raw$Date, lon = lon.calib, lat = lat.calib,
offset = offset, lwd = 3, col = adjustcolor("orange", alpha.f = 0.5)) # Add sunrise and sunset times at Crozier
print("Starting the interactive twilight annotation - Please see for more instructions on how to proceed")
# Define daily sunrise and sunset times
twl <- preprocessLight(raw,
threshold = threshold,
offset = offset,
lmax = 11, # max. light valu
gr.Device = "default")

# Two windows will appear. Move them so they are not on top of each other and you can see
# both. They should look like a big black blob. This identifies the "nightime" period over
# time. The top of the blob shows all the sunrises and the bottom of blob shows all the
# sunsets. You can note for instance that the days get longer (and thus the nights shorter)
# at the end of the time series, because the blob gets thinner. You may even note changes
# in the light image that relate to changes in activity patterns or breeding behavior.

# Step 1. Click on the window entitled "Select subset". With the left mouse button choose
# where you want the start of the dataset to be, and right mouse button to choose the end.
# You will notice that the red bar at the top moves and that the second window zooms into
# that time period. Select when you want your time series to start and end. This allows
# you to ignore for instance periods of nesting. Once you are happy with the start and
# end of the timeseries press "a" on the keyboard to accept and move to next step.

# Step 2. click on the window entitled "Find twilights" and the second window will zoom in.
# All you need to do here is click in the dark part (in the zoomed in image i.e. the one not
# entitled "Find twilights") of the image and this will identify all the sunrises (orange)
# and sunsets (blue) based on the threshold defined in the previous section. Press "a" on
# the keyboard to accept and move to next step.

# Step 3. This step is for adding or deleting points. If there are no missing data points,
# you can skip this step by pressing "a" on the keyboard. However, if you do want to add a
# point, you can click on the "Insert twilights" window to select a region of "the blob" that
# the second unintitled window will zoom into. In the zoomed window, use left mouse click to
# add a sunrise, and right mouse click to add a sunset. You can use "u" on the keyboard to
# undo any changes, and "d" to delete any points which are extra. Press "a" to move to next
# step.

# Step 4. This step allows you to find points which have been miss-classified (often because
# the bird was in the shade or in a burrow) and to move the respective sunrise or sunset to
# where it should be. Choose a point by clicking on it in the "edit twilights" window and the
# other window will display the sunrise (or sunset) from the previous and next days (purple
# and green) relative to the current sunrise or sunset (in black). Thus if the black line
# shows a much earlier sunset or later sunrise than the purple and green ones, it is likely
# badly classified. You can then left click at the point where you want the day to start and
# press "a" to accept and move the sunrise or sunset. You will notice the red line then moves.
# Do this for as many points as necessary. Then close the windows with "q".

twl$Twilight <- as.POSIXct(twl$Twilight, tz = "GMT")
twl <- subset(twl, !Deleted)
twl <- twl[order(twl$Twilight),]
#Additional automated cleaning/filtering
twl_filt <- twilightEdit(twilights = twl,
offset = offset,
window = 6, # two days before and two days after
outlier.mins = 45, # difference in mins
stationary.mins = 25, # are the other surrounding twilights within 25 mins of one another
plot = TRUE)
# Save twilight file
id <- substr(fn,1,nchar(fn)-4)
#id <- fn
write.csv(twl_filt, paste0("data/geoloc/1617/twl/", id,
"_twl.csv"), row.names = F)
# Add twilights (polar day) - To be able to estimate positions between the colony and the first real twilights
twl <- subset(twl_filt, !Deleted)
twl <- twilightAdjust(twl, 60)
twl$Inserted <- FALSE
tm <- seq(min(raw$Date), max(raw$Date), by = "12 hours") # generate two twilights per day
rise <- rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), length = length(tm))[1:length(tm)]
tm_twl <- twilight(tm, lon.calib, lat.calib, rise = rise, zenith = 80, iters = 5) # zenith=80, need to use solar angle about 10° above the horizon
#twl_add <- data.frame(Twilight = tm_twl, Rise = rise, Deleted = FALSE, Marker=0, Inserted = TRUE, Twilight3 = tm_twl, Marker3=0)
twl_add <- data.frame(Twilight = tm_twl, Rise = rise, Deleted = FALSE, Edited = FALSE, Twilight0 = tm_twl, Inserted = TRUE)
twl_add <- subset(twl_add, !
twl <- rbind(twl_add[twl_add$Twilight<min(twl$Twilight)-12*60*60,], twl, twl_add[twl_add$Twilight>max(twl$Twilight)+12*60*60,])
write.csv(twl, paste0("data/geoloc/1617/twl/", fn,
"_twl_long.csv"), row.names = F)
# Clean up
rm(raw, twl, twl_filt, twl_add)
gc() # run garbage collector to free up memory
# delete temp files from C: drive
tmp_dir <- tempdir()
files <- list.files(tmp_dir, full.names = T, pattern = "^file")
#End loop
print("No more file to process")

## If needs to delete data
#twl <- subset(twl, twl$Twilight>=as.POSIXct("2018-02-23", tz="GMT") & twl$Twilight<=as.POSIXct("2018-10-24", tz="GMT"))
twl <- subset(twl, twl$Twilight<=as.POSIXct("2018-10-28", tz="GMT"))
twl <- twl[-c(2:3, 6:11, 14:21, 24:29, 32:35, 38:41, 44:49, 52:55, 58:59, 62:63), ] # remove specific rows
head(twl, 50)
#Additional automated cleaning/filtering
twl_filt <- twilightEdit(twilights = twl,
offset = offset,
window = 4, # two days before and two days after
outlier.mins = 45, # difference in mins
stationary.mins = 25, # are the other surrounding twilights within 25 mins of one another
plot = TRUE)
# Save twilight file
#id <- substr(fn,1,nchar(fn)-4)
id <- fn
write.csv(twl_filt, paste0("data/geoloc/1617/twl/", id,
"_twl.csv"), row.names = F)
# Add twilights (polar day) - To be able to estimate positions between the colony and the first real twilights
twl <- subset(twl_filt, !Deleted)
twl <- twilightAdjust(twl, 60)
twl$Inserted <- FALSE
tm <- seq(min(raw$Date), max(raw$Date), by = "12 hours") # generate two twilights per day
rise <- rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), length = length(tm))[1:length(tm)]
tm_twl <- twilight(tm, lon.calib, lat.calib, rise = rise, zenith = 80, iters = 5) # zenith=80, need to use solar angle about 10° above the horizon
#twl_add <- data.frame(Twilight = tm_twl, Rise = rise, Deleted = FALSE, Edited = FALSE, Twilight0 = tm_twl, Inserted = TRUE)
twl_add <- data.frame(Twilight = tm_twl, Rise = rise, Deleted = FALSE, Marker=0, Inserted = TRUE, Twilight3 = tm_twl, Marker3=0 )
twl_add <- subset(twl_add, !
twl <- rbind(twl_add[twl_add$Twilight<min(twl$Twilight),], twl, twl_add[twl_add$Twilight>max(twl$Twilight),])
write.csv(twl, paste0("data/geoloc/1617/twl/", fn,
"_twl_long.csv"), row.names = F)

# twl[420:470,]
# twl[500:550,]
# twl <- twl[-c(464), ]

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