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Heaps Don't Lie! Analyzes standard JVM and Android heap snapshots to improve the completeness of program analysis tools such as Doop.


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Heaps Don't Lie! Published in PACM PL OOPSLA (2017) (pdf)

HeapDL is integrated with the Doop pointer analysis framework, however it is also available as a standalone tool and as a library.

Using HeapDL in standalone mode

Method 1 (JAR):

$ ./gradlew fatjar
$ java -jar build/libs/HeapDL-all-1.1.10.jar file.hprof --out output-dir

Method 2 (native-image):

$ ./gradlew nativeImage
$ build/bin/heapdl file.hprof --out output-dir

Using HeapDL as a library

repositories {
    maven { url "" }
dependencies {
    compile 'com.github.plast-lab:HeapDL:1.1.9'

The basic class when using HeapDL as a library is heapdl.core.MemoryAnalyser (and the interface that can be implemented by clients). For an example of using HeapDL as a library, see class heapdl.main.Main.

Generating a heap snapshot for use with HeapDL

OpenJDK/IBM JDK (Java <= 8)

To take a heap snapshot of a running program (Program.jar) on program exit, run:

java -agentlib:hprof=heap=dump,format=b,depth=8 -jar Program.jar

It will produce a java.hprof file and then you can run HeapDL with:

java -jar build/libs/HeapDL-all-1.1.9.jar java.hprof --out output-dir

OpenJDK (Java 9-10)

To take a heap snapshot of a program (Program.jar) on program exit, first build the heapDump-agent and then run:

java -javaagent:heapDump-agent/target/theLastDump-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -jar Program.jar

The heap snapshot for Java 9-10 doesn't contain stack traces. It will only produce a heap-dump.hprof and then you can run HeapDL with:

java -jar build/libs/HeapDL-all-1.1.9.jar heap-dump.hprof --out output-dir

OpenJDK (Java >= 11)

To take a heap snapshot of a program (Program.jar) on program exit, first build the heapDump-agent and the stackTraces-agent and then run:

java -javaagent:heapDump-agent/target/theLastDump-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -agentpath:stackTraces-agent/,depth=8 -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseEpsilonGC -jar Program.jar

For the stackTraces-agent you can configure the sampling rate and the depth of the stack traces by using the optional arguments.

The above command will produce a heap-dump.hprof file and a stackTraces.csv and then you can run HeapDL with:

java -jar build/libs/HeapDL-all-1.1.9.jar heap-dump.hprof --stackTraces stackTraces.csv --out output-dir


To take a heap snapshot an Android app running on a device (or emulator) bridged by adb, run the following (APP_PACKAGE/MAIN_ACTIVITY are the names of the application package and the main app activity to launch respectively):

# Start app.
adb shell am start --track-allocation $APP_PACKAGE/$MAIN_ACTIVITY

# When ready, take heap snapshot (we assume $2 is the PID field of ps).
adb shell am dumpheap `adb shell ps | grep $APP_PACKAGE\$ | awk '{print $2}'` /data/local/tmp/$

# Download and convert.
adb pull /data/local/tmp/$ .
hprof-conv $ $APP_PACKAGE.hprof


Heaps Don't Lie! Analyzes standard JVM and Android heap snapshots to improve the completeness of program analysis tools such as Doop.








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