An analytics dashboard presents SushiSwap DEX information. You can see SushiSwap's updated information, including liquidity, swap, other granular and historical data, etc.
All data presented on the dashboard are retrieved from Covalent's Uniswap Clone Endpoints.
This project is built as a serverless system, getting inspiration from the Covalent AWS Serverless project.
The technologies used include
- React.js is used for building the user interface of the dashboard.
- Covalent AWS Serverless is used as a bridge of requesting data from Covalent's endpoints with our serverless setup.
- AWS Lambda is used for setting up a lambda function to retrieve the data from Covalent API.
- AWS S3 service is used for hosting the dashboard as a static website.
The setup instructions can be found in the of the Covalent AWS Serverless project
The project is built as a part of the website.