You shouldn't need this repo anymore, you can use docker:latest
and follow the stock DIND documentation to use docker compose
a docker compose image to use with dind in gitlab.
Installing docker compose is a pain in the ass in gitab if you're using docker. This repo is so I don't forget how to do it and if you want to as well. There's other similar images like tmaier's, but this has a completely permissive license.
Boilerplate to use in your gitlab-ci.yml is as follows
image: piyh/gitlab_docker_compose:22.04
- docker:22.04 # necessary for docker to build and run my images
stage: build
# smoke test that this is working
- docker info
- docker-compose build
One time setup on M1 Macbook to enable mulit-architecture (amd64 & arm64) builds:
docker buildx create --name mybuilder --use
docker buildx inspect --bootstrap
then build and push:
docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 -t piyh/gitlab_docker_compose:22.04 --push .
docker login
if it's been a while and credentials have expired.
Previously I was building and pushing using normal commands, but since I develop in arm and have a gitlab runner on x86, I had this cross arch error.
Using docker image sha256:a11c0763411e2eb473e6894b1bbdfe228dcdbc9c2c6cecfae04091107f2912d1 for piyh/gitlab_docker_compose:22.04 with digest piyh/gitlab_docker_compose@sha256:f04f6a597b7d4c2896cda8ea8cef90fa583a12e947c4dddca5bf8c08b3634abd ...
exec /usr/bin/sh: exec format error
If we ever go back to a single architecture again, these commands alone will do.
docker build . -t piyh/gitlab_docker_compose:22.04
docker push piyh/gitlab_docker_compose:22.04
systemctl status gitlab-runner
If installed as root, the runner config is at /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml
For docker in docker, the priviledge flag and volume config must be changed to:
volumes = ["/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock", "/cache"]
privileged = true