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Android SDK |
This SDK makes it easy for Pixlee customers to find and download Pixlee images and albums. There's a native wrapper to the Pixlee album API for Android, and there's also a demo app showing how easy it is to drop in and customize a UI. This repo includes both the Pixlee Android SDK and an example project to show you how it's used.
- the word 'content' is used in the documentation. this means a photo or video.
- The PXLPhoto class represents a piece of content, which can be a photo or video
Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects { repositories { ... maven { url '' } } }
Add the dependency
dependencies { implementation 'com.github.pixlee:android-sdk:$pixleeSDK }
Initalize SDK
- In your Application level, you need to initialize your SDK to make sure the SDK get essential data before using its features.
#!kotlin class AppApplication: Application() { override fun onCreate() { super.onCreate() // set credentials for the SDK PXLClient.initialize("Your Pixlee api key", Your Pixlee secret key"") // (Optional) if you use UI components and want // to let PXLWidgetView, PXLPhotoRecyclerViewInGrid, PXLPhotoRecyclerView and PXLPhotoProductView // fire 'openedWidget', 'widgetVisible' and 'openedLightbox' analytics events, use this. PXLClient.autoAnalyticsEnabled = true // (Optional) if you use multi-region, you can set your region id here to get photos, a photo, and products available in the region. val regionId:Int? = null // replace this value with yours PXLClient.regionId = regionId } }
Load your album photos using PXLWidgetView (Similar to Widget)
- Using PXLWidgetView, you can load your album's photos.
- res/layout/list_layout.xml
#!xml ... <com.pixlee.pixleesdk.ui.widgets.list.PXLWidgetView android:id="@+id/widget" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent"/> ...
- In Activity
#!kotlin class SimpleListActivity : AppCompatActivity() { public override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContentView(R.layout.list_layout) widget.viewTreeObserver.addOnGlobalLayoutListener(object : ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener { override fun onGlobalLayout() { try { if (widget == null) return initiateList((widget.measuredHeight / 2).toInt()) widget.viewTreeObserver.removeOnGlobalLayoutListener(this) } catch (e: Exception) { e.printStackTrace() } } }) } private fun initiateList(cellHeightInPixel: Int) { // you can customize color, size if you need widget.initiate( widgetTypeForAnalytics = "your_widget_type", viewType = widget.ViewType.List(), cellHeightInPixel = cellHeightInPixel, params = PXLKtxBaseAlbum.Params( // album images searchId = PXLKtxBaseAlbum.SearchId.Album("your album number"), filterOptions = PXLAlbumFilterOptions().apply { // hasProduct and hasPermission are often used together for displaying photos with tagged products and gotten the permission from their creators // if you don't see any photos after the loading is done, go to{your album id} and make sure your photos have the same filter conditions as your filterOptions. hasProduct = true hasPermission = true // more filter options // - hasPermission = true // - inStockOnly = true // - .. there are more. Please check README or PXLAlbumFilterOptions class for more filter options }, sortOptions = PXLAlbumSortOptions().apply { sortType = PXLAlbumSortType.RECENCY descending = false } ), loadMoreTextViewStyle = TextViewStyle().apply { text = "Load More" textPadding = TextPadding(0, 22.px.toInt(), 0, 22.px.toInt()) size = 18.px color = Color.BLACK }, configuration = PXLPhotoView.Configuration().apply { pxlPhotoSize = PXLPhotoSize.MEDIUM imageScaleType = ImageScaleType.CENTER_CROP }, onPhotoClickedListener = { view, photoWithImageScaleType -> // TODO: you can add your business logic here ViewerActivity.launch(this, photoWithImageScaleType) Toast.makeText(this, "onItemClickedListener", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show() } ) } }
Display a photo and products (similar to Lightbox)
#!xml ... <com.pixlee.pixleesdk.ui.widgets.PXLPhotoProductView android:id="@+id/pxlPhotoProductView" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent"/> ...
#!kotlin class ViewerActivity : AppCompatActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContentView(R.layout.viewer_layout) // set a full screen mode PXLViewUtil.expandContentAreaOverStatusBar(this) val item: PhotoWithVideoInfo? = intent.getParcelableExtra("photoWithVideoInfo") init(item) } fun init(item: PhotoWithVideoInfo) { // this is an example of changing ImageScaleType item.configuration.imageScaleType = ImageScaleType.FIT_CENTER // give a padding to the top as much as the status bar's height pxlPhotoProductView.addPaddingToHeader(0, PXLViewUtil.getStatusBarHeight(this), 0, 0) // by passing lifecycle to pxlPhotoProductView, the SDK will automatically start and stop the video pxlPhotoProductView.useLifecycleObserver(lifecycle) // set your ui settings pxlPhotoProductView .setContent(photoInfo = item, headerConfiguration = PXLPhotoProductView.Configuration().apply { backButton = PXLPhotoProductView.CircleButton().apply { onClickListener = { // back button's click effect onBackPressed() } } muteCheckBox = PXLPhotoProductView.MuteCheckBox().apply { onCheckedListener = { } } }, configuration = ProductViewHolder.Configuration().apply { circleIcon = ProductViewHolder.CircleIcon().apply { icon = R.drawable.outline_shopping_bag_black_24 iconColor = Color.DKGRAY backgroundColor = ContextCompat.getColor(this@ViewerActivity, R.color.yellow_800) padding = 5.px.toInt() } mainTextStyle = TextStyle().apply { color = Color.BLACK size = 14.px } subTextStyle = TextStyle().apply { color = Color.BLACK size = 12.px } priceTextStyle = CurrencyTextStyle().apply { defaultCurrency = "EUR" // or null leftText = TextStyle().apply { color = Color.BLACK size = 24.px } rightText = TextStyle().apply { color = Color.BLACK size = 14.px } } }, onProductClicked = { Toast.makeText(this, "product clicked, product id: ${}", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show() startActivity(Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse( }) } companion object { // start video view with a photo data fun launch(context: Context, pxlPhoto: PhotoWithVideoInfo?) { val i = Intent(context, i.putExtra("photoWithVideoInfo", pxlPhoto) context.startActivity(i) } } }
- The demo app included with this SDK are meant to be used in Android Studio to create a typical Android app.
- To help you get up and running quickly, we've built this demo featuring a RecyclerView with LinearLayoutManager and GridLayoutManager and a few UI components.
- UI components demonstrated in the demo can be customize by adding arguments to the views.
- API calls being fired via Kotlin.coroutines are in the demo.
- video:
- Open .gitignore at the root of the project folder and Add '' to the file
- Generate at the root of the project folder
- Fill the file with the example below and edit it with your own credentials, albumId and SKU.
pixleeAPIKey and pixleeSecretKey are in here (
AlbumId and SKU available from the Pixlee dashboard).
pixleeAPIKey=yours pixleeSecretKey=yours pixleeAlbumId=yours pixleeSKU=yours
pixleeAPIKey=ccWQFNExi4gQjyNYpOEf pixleeSecretKey=b3b38f4322877060b2e4f390fd pixleeAlbumId=5984962 pixleeSKU=35123
- Run the project on an Android device