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Pixlee SDK for displaying, filtering and sorting content with product tags

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Android SDK


This SDK makes it easy for Pixlee customers to find and download Pixlee images and albums. There's a native wrapper to the Pixlee album API for Android, and there's also a demo app showing how easy it is to drop in and customize a UI. This repo includes both the Pixlee Android SDK and an example project to show you how it's used.

Notice: please be aware of these terms in the document.

  • the word 'content' is used in the documentation. this means a photo or video.
  • The PXLPhoto class represents a piece of content, which can be a photo or video

Table of Content

Quick Start

  • Add gradle dependencies

    1. Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

      allprojects {
          repositories {
              maven { url '' }
    2. Add the dependency

      • The latest $pixleeSDK is
      dependencies {
          implementation 'com.github.pixlee:android-sdk:$pixleeSDK
    3. Initalize SDK

      • In your Application level, you need to initialize your SDK to make sure the SDK get essential data before using its features.
      class AppApplication: Application() {
          override fun onCreate() {
              // set credentials for the SDK
              PXLClient.initialize("Your Pixlee api key", Your Pixlee secret key"")
              // (Optional) if you use UI components and want
              // to let PXLWidgetView, PXLPhotoRecyclerViewInGrid, PXLPhotoRecyclerView and PXLPhotoProductView
              // fire 'openedWidget', 'widgetVisible' and 'openedLightbox' analytics events, use this.
              PXLClient.autoAnalyticsEnabled = true
              // (Optional) if you use multi-region, you can set your region id here to get photos, a photo, and products available in the region.
              val regionId:Int? = null // replace this value with yours
              PXLClient.regionId = regionId
    4. Load your album photos using PXLWidgetView (Similar to Widget)

      • Using PXLWidgetView, you can load your album's photos.
      • res/layout/list_layout.xml
      • In Activity
        class SimpleListActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
            public override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
                widget.viewTreeObserver.addOnGlobalLayoutListener(object : ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener {
                    override fun onGlobalLayout() {
                        try {
                            if (widget == null)
                            initiateList((widget.measuredHeight / 2).toInt())
                        } catch (e: Exception) {
            private fun initiateList(cellHeightInPixel: Int) {
                // you can customize color, size if you need
                        widgetTypeForAnalytics = "your_widget_type",
                        viewType = widget.ViewType.List(),
                        cellHeightInPixel = cellHeightInPixel,
                        params = PXLKtxBaseAlbum.Params(
                                // album images
                                searchId = PXLKtxBaseAlbum.SearchId.Album("your album number"),
                                filterOptions = PXLAlbumFilterOptions().apply {
                                    // hasProduct and hasPermission are often used together for displaying photos with tagged products and gotten the permission from their creators
                                    // if you don't see any photos after the loading is done, go to{your album id} and make sure your photos have the same filter conditions as your filterOptions.
                                    hasProduct = true
                                    hasPermission = true
                                    // more filter options
                                    // - hasPermission = true
                                    // - inStockOnly = true
                                    // - .. there are more. Please check README or PXLAlbumFilterOptions class for more filter options
                                sortOptions = PXLAlbumSortOptions().apply {
                                    sortType = PXLAlbumSortType.RECENCY
                                    descending = false
                        loadMoreTextViewStyle = TextViewStyle().apply {
                            text = "Load More"
                            textPadding = TextPadding(0, 22.px.toInt(), 0, 22.px.toInt())
                            size = 18.px
                            color = Color.BLACK
                        configuration = PXLPhotoView.Configuration().apply {
                            pxlPhotoSize = PXLPhotoSize.MEDIUM
                            imageScaleType = ImageScaleType.CENTER_CROP
                        onPhotoClickedListener = { view, photoWithImageScaleType ->
                            // TODO: you can add your business logic here
                            ViewerActivity.launch(this, photoWithImageScaleType)
                            Toast.makeText(this, "onItemClickedListener", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
    5. Display a photo and products (similar to Lightbox)

      • res/layout/viewer_layout.xml

      • Activity

        class ViewerActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
            override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
                // set a full screen mode
                val item: PhotoWithVideoInfo? = intent.getParcelableExtra("photoWithVideoInfo")
            fun init(item: PhotoWithVideoInfo) {
                // this is an example of changing ImageScaleType
                item.configuration.imageScaleType = ImageScaleType.FIT_CENTER
                // give a padding to the top as much as the status bar's height
                pxlPhotoProductView.addPaddingToHeader(0, PXLViewUtil.getStatusBarHeight(this), 0, 0)
                // by passing lifecycle to pxlPhotoProductView, the SDK will automatically start and stop the video
                // set your ui settings
                    .setContent(photoInfo = item,
                            headerConfiguration = PXLPhotoProductView.Configuration().apply {
                                backButton = PXLPhotoProductView.CircleButton().apply {
                                    onClickListener = {
                                        // back button's click effect
                                muteCheckBox = PXLPhotoProductView.MuteCheckBox().apply {
                                    onCheckedListener = {
                            configuration = ProductViewHolder.Configuration().apply {
                                circleIcon = ProductViewHolder.CircleIcon().apply {
                                    icon = R.drawable.outline_shopping_bag_black_24
                                    iconColor = Color.DKGRAY
                                    backgroundColor = ContextCompat.getColor(this@ViewerActivity, R.color.yellow_800)
                                    padding = 5.px.toInt()
                                mainTextStyle = TextStyle().apply {
                                    color = Color.BLACK
                                    size = 14.px
                                subTextStyle = TextStyle().apply {
                                    color = Color.BLACK
                                    size = 12.px
                                priceTextStyle = CurrencyTextStyle().apply {
                                    defaultCurrency = "EUR" // or null
                                    leftText = TextStyle().apply {
                                        color = Color.BLACK
                                        size = 24.px
                                    rightText = TextStyle().apply {
                                        color = Color.BLACK
                                        size = 14.px
                            onProductClicked = {
                                Toast.makeText(this, "product clicked, product id: ${}", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
                                startActivity(Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(
            companion object {
                // start video view with a photo data
                fun launch(context: Context, pxlPhoto: PhotoWithVideoInfo?) {
                    val i = Intent(context,
                    i.putExtra("photoWithVideoInfo", pxlPhoto)

Run the Demo App

  • The demo app included with this SDK are meant to be used in Android Studio to create a typical Android app.
  • To help you get up and running quickly, we've built this demo featuring a RecyclerView with LinearLayoutManager and GridLayoutManager and a few UI components.
  • UI components demonstrated in the demo can be customize by adding arguments to the views.
  • API calls being fired via Kotlin.coroutines are in the demo.
  • video:
  1. Open .gitignore at the root of the project folder and Add '' to the file
  2. Generate at the root of the project folder
  3. Fill the file with the example below and edit it with your own credentials, albumId and SKU. pixleeAPIKey and pixleeSecretKey are in here ( AlbumId and SKU available from the Pixlee dashboard).
  4. Run the project on an Android device
    • /app: complex codes for thoes that want to have more control or customization options
    • /simpleapp: simple sample codes for those looking for basic features
      Grid Mode ListMode

Development Guide