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a: bug 🪲
a: bug :beetle:
Something isn't working
a: bug fix 🎁
a: bug fix :gift:
Fix a bug
a: feature request 📧
a: feature request :email:
Ask for a new feature to be implemented
a: question ❓
a: question :question:
Ask further information
a: refactoring 📦
a: refactoring :package:
Rewrite a part of the software
a: test 👮‍♂️
a: test :policeman:
Related to testing
an: enhancement 📈
an: enhancement :chart_with_upwards_trend:
Improve something
for: CI 🚀
for: CI :rocket:
Related to Continuous Integration
for: core ❤️
for: core :heart:
Related to Pitclipse's core features
for: IDE 🌒
for: IDE :waxing_crescent_moon:
Related to the integration of Pitclipse within Eclipse IDE
for: pitest 🐦
for: pitest :bird:
Related to PIT integration
good first issue
good first issue
Good for newcomers
impacts: code quality 💯
impacts: code quality :100:
Related to the quality of the code
impacts: dev 💻
impacts: dev :computer:
Has an effect on contributors' work
impacts: docs 📚
impacts: docs :books:
Provide more information on the project
impacts: extensibility 🔗
impacts: extensibility :link:
Related to the way new features can be added to Pitclipse
impacts: perf 🏃‍♂️
impacts: perf :running_man:
Related to Pitclipse's performances
impacts: ux 😄
impacts: ux :smile:
Related to the user experience
is: abandoned ☠️
is: abandoned :skull_and_crossbones:
We won't work on this
is: available 🏁
is: available :checkered_flag:
No one works on this yet so you can pick it
is: blocked ⚠️
is: blocked :warning:
Something prevents the completion
is: discussed 💬
is: discussed :speech_balloon:
A specific subject must be discussed
is: done 🎉
is: done :tada:
The task is completed
is: duplicate 📋
is: duplicate :clipboard:
It has already been adressed
is: help wanted 🙌
is: help wanted :raised_hands:
Feel free to help!
is: in progress 🚧
is: in progress :construction:
Someone is working on it
is: on hold ⏸️
is: on hold :pause_button:
Someone is working on it but set it aside
is: untested ❗
is: untested :exclamation:
Provide untested features
priority: critical 🔥
priority: critical :fire:
Must be done as soon as possible
priority: high ⚡
priority: high :zap:
Must be done quickly