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Yandex web developer course

This repo contains homeworks (work assignments) from the Yandex Web developer course.

Each folder represents complete singular assignment.

Assignments 1…10

For PR-1…10 no additional tools are required (no sass, npm, etc.) — just open in your editor of choice.

Assignment 11 (PR-11)

PR-11 is a simple instagram-like client for Places API. You’ll need NPM and IDE to use it.

You can check the live version at github pages

Project contains two usual build configurations:

  • npm run dev for local debug
  • npm run build for production build

Latest version 0.1.0:

  • moved to webpack
  • rewrite to js modules

Assignment 12 (PR-12)

PR-12 is the first attempt for a simple “Places” instagram-like client and API. You’ll need NPM and IDE to use it.

Project contains two build configurations:

  • npm run dev starts in hot-reload mode
  • npm run start start without hot-reload

All builds default to http://localhost:3000/.

Places API description:

  • /users returns ALL users
  • /users/{id} returns SINGLE users by ID
  • /cards returns ALL cards

Release notes for 0.2.0:

  • client (from PR-11) still connected to Yandex.Praktikum API instead of ours
  • local API is hardwired to json data-stubs

Assignment 13 (PR-13)

PR-13 is the second attempt for a simple “Places” instagram-like API. You’ll need NPM, MongoDB, and IDE to use it.

Project contains two build configurations:

  • npm run dev starts in hot-reload mode
  • npm run start start without hot-reload

All builds default to http://localhost:3000/ and mongodb://localhost:27017/mestodb.

Places API description:

  • GET /users returns ALL users
  • GET /users/{id} returns SINGLE user by ID
  • POST /users creates new user with { name, about, avatar }
  • GET /cards returns ALL cards
  • DELETE /cards/{id} deletes card by ID
  • POST /cards creates new card with { name, link }

Release notes for 0.3.0:

  • local API is now connected to MongoDb instead of hardwired json data-stubs
  • front-end client code (from PR-11) hosting is removed from API

Assignment 14 (PR-14)

PR-14 is the third attempt for a simple “Places” instagram-like API. You’ll need NPM, MongoDB, and IDE to use it.

Project contains two build configurations:

  • npm run dev starts in hot-reload mode
  • npm run start start without hot-reload

.env file is configured to store the production JWT sign key.

All builds default to http://localhost:3000/ and mongodb://localhost:27017/mestodb.

Places API description:

  • POST /signup creates new user with { name, about, avatar, email, password }
  • POST /signin with { email, password } — return http-only 7-day cookie with JWT
  • GET /users returns ALL users
  • GET /users/{id} returns SINGLE user by ID
  • GET /cards returns ALL cards
  • DELETE /cards/{id} deletes card by ID (if user owns the card)
  • POST /cards creates new card with { name, link }

Release notes for 0.4.0:

  • local API is now configured for http-only cookies with JWT instead of hardcoded user id
  • two new methods available: /signup and /signin
  • DELETE /cards/{id} now deletes the card only if it was created by the same user -.env file is configured to store the production JWT sign key.

Assignment 15 (PR-15)

PR-15 is the forth and final attempt for a simple “Places” instagram-like API. You’ll need NPM, MongoDB, and IDE to use it.

Project contains two build configurations:

  • npm run dev starts in hot-reload mode
  • npm run start start without hot-reload

.env file is configured to store the production JWT sign key.

All builds default to http://localhost:3000/ and mongodb://localhost:27017/mestodb.

Production API is at: (

Places API description:

  • POST /signup creates new user with { name, about, avatar, email, password }
  • POST /signin with { email, password } — return http-only 7-day cookie with JWT
  • GET /users returns ALL users
  • GET /users/{id} returns SINGLE user by ID
  • GET /cards returns ALL cards
  • DELETE /cards/{id} deletes card by ID (if user owns the card)
  • POST /cards creates new card with { name, link }

Release notes for 1.0.0:

  • Winston logging at error.log and request.log
  • request parameters and body validation using Celebrate
  • centralized error handling