This library provides a number of extensions to the FluidNC project.
- some easy to use debug/info/error output methods
- methods to abstract the state of the FluidNC machine
- methods to abstract control of the FluidNC machine
- methods to supplement the FluidNC configuration system, and
- an implementation of mesh bed levelling
Including FluidDebug.h in your program will provide the following methods:
extern void g_info(const char *format, ...);
extern void g_debug(const char *format, ...);
extern void g_error(const char *format, ...);
These are old fashioned printf-like functions for ease of use. They use static buffers of a maximum 255 characters in length with no error checking, so please use common sense when calling them.
The gStatus class attempts to hide some of the complexity of FluidNC by consolidating a number of FluidNC's state variables into one object so you don't have to include multiple FluidNC header files in your program, and to insulate somewhat against changes to the underlying FluidNC architecture.
if (g_status.getJobState() == JOB_ALARM)
... your code here
To use it, you call updateStatus() on the global g_status object, and then use the various accessors as needed. Generally updateStatus() will be called from some kind of a loop.
If you are using the FluidNC_UI updateStatus() will automaticallly be called 30 times per second from the UI's update() task.
Likewise, we have tried to abstract some of the most common actions that one is likely to perform on FluidNC into a separate namespace called gActions so you don't have to include multiple different FluidNC header files and to provide some insulation against FluidNC API changes:
extern void g_reset(); // MotionControl.cpp::mc_reset()
extern void g_limits_init(); // GLimits.cpp::limits_init();
extern void setAlarm(uint8_t alarm); // Protocol.cpp::rtAlarm
extern void setLimitMask(uint8_t mask); // Machine::Axes::limitMask
extern uint8_t getNegLimitMask(); // Machine::Axes::neg and posLimitMasks
extern uint8_t getPosLimitMask();
extern void setNegLimitMask(uint8_t mask);
extern void setPosLimitMask(uint8_t mask);
extern bool getProbeSucceeded(); // MotionControl.cpp::probe_succeeded
extern void clearProbeSucceeded(); // MotionControl.cpp::probe_succeeded = false;
extern void pushGrblText(const char *text); // WebUI::inputBuffer.push()
extern void realtime_command(Cmd cmd); // Serial.cpp::execute_realtime_command()
extern bool do_setting(char *buf); // Settings.cpp::settings_execute_line() - should be const char*
extern bool startSDJob(const char *filename); // SDCard.cpp mas o menus
Mesh Levelling is implemented by including Mesh.h into your FluidNC Arduino sketch.
This will declare a global extern Mesh object called the_mesh. It is upto you to provide the definition (instance) of the mesh object by including the following line somewhere in your code:
Mesh the_mesh;
You call readMesh() from your setup() method after it calls FluidNC's main_init() method.
void setup()
main_init(); // FluidNC setup() method
In order to use the Mesh it is required that you have created your own FluidNC Machine which is derived from Machine::MachineConfig. Your machine provides the glue between FluidNC and the Mesh object by implementing a number of methods, starting with the Configurable group() method:
void YourMachine::group(Configuration::HandlerBase& handler) // override
Mesh *_mesh = &the_mesh;
The actual behavior of the mesh (altering the z-position of the spindle in realtime) is provided by your override of the two weakly bound FluidNC methods motorsToCartesian and cartesianToMotors which call methods on the mesh object:
bool cartesian_to_motors(float* target, plan_line_data_t* pl_data, float* position)
the_mesh.cartesian_to_motors(target, pl_data, position);
void motors_to_cartesian(float* cartesian, float* motors, int n_axis)
the_mesh.motors_to_cartesian(cartesian, motors, n_axis);
The mesh defines a rectangular grid of a certain size in millimeters, with a certain number of steps in the X and Y directions where it will probe the work surface and store that information for use in the coordinate system conversions.
The mesh configuration variables can be set in your yaml configuration file, or via command line parameters into the Serial Port, or via the FluidNC_UI.
height: 100 # height of mesh in mm
width: 200 # width of mesh in mm
x_steps: 10 # steps in x direction
y_steps: 5 # steps in y direction
pulloff: 3 # mm to "pulloff" from each sucessful prob
max_travel: 50 # max mm travel of the Z axis during G38.2 gcode command
feed_rate: 100 # z axis feed rate to be used when meshing (slow)
seek_rate: 400; # z_axis feed rate to be used when meshing (fast)
line_seg_len: 0.5 # granularity of z rate calculations
num_probes: 2 # upto 4 probes per point can be averaged together
These configuration variables can also be set via the Serial Terminal Command Line:
but they will not be persistent between reboots unless the YamlOverrides feature (below) is also included in your program.
You can initiate the meshing process by issuing $mesh/do_level command in the terminal:
And the machine will begin probing from whatever position it is in at the moment you send this command, creating a map of the levels in the grid you have defined. If that process succeeds, the z-offsset for all gcode commands will subsequently be modified to account the slight differences at different points within the grid. For points outside of the grid the z-offset will be extrapolated.
The mesh itself is stored on the SPIFFS in a file called mesh_data.txt and can be accessed via the WebUI and/or modified by hand (it is a simple text file).
You can clear the mesh by issuing the mesh/clear command, and you can see the current values by issuing the mesh/show command:
[MSG:INFO: MESH: position=(105.000,15.000,-20.397)]
[MSG:INFO: MESH[3] 0.052 0.017 -0.040 -0.023 -0.123 -0.080]
[MSG:INFO: MESH[2] 0.047 0.033 0.008 -0.015 -0.014 -0.001]
[MSG:INFO: MESH[1] 0.008 0.020 0.014 0.016 0.012 0.008]
[MSG:INFO: MESH[0] 0.000 0.015 0.023 -0.005 -0.035 -0.852]
The Mesh object also provides for a Live Z Offset that you can modify while a job is running to alter the position of the Z axis in close-to-realtime.
The Live Z offset can be set from the FluidNC_UI. or from the Serial Terminal if you override the weakly bound FluidNC user_realtime_command() method.
void user_realtime_command(uint8_t command, Print &client)
switch (command)
In which case the ctrl-QWERTY realtime commands will alter the live z-offset as follows:
- ctrl-Q = +0.020
- ctrl-W = +0.002
- ctrl-R = 0
- ctrl-T = -0.002
- ctrl-Y = -0.020
If you include the file YamlOverrides.h in one C++ file in your sketch, most command line settings (i.e. $mesh/x_steps=20) will be made persistent including through reboots.
The Yaml Overrides are stored in a file called *yaml_temp.txt on the SPIFFS, which can be removed using the WebUI or with the RST=* command line command.
Please see YamlOverrides.h for more information.
- FluidNC - the next generation ESP32 GRBL machine
- FluidNC_UI - a touch screen user interface for FluidNC
- esp32_cnc301832 - an implementation of an inexpensive 3-axis 3018 cnc machine using this code
- the vMachine - a Maslow-like vPlotter cnc machine using this code
This library is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0
- To bdring and the FluidNC Team