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esp32_cnc3018 is my implementation of an inexpensive 3-axis CNC machine that makes use of the ESP32 processor. Essentially I bought the cheapest 3-axis CNC machine I could find on Ebay, and then designed and implemented my own controller board, limit switches, and extensions to that machine.
The ESP32 can easily be programmed from within the Arduino development environment and has dual cores, runs at 240 Mhz (as opposed to the Arduino at 16Mhz) and comes with 520KB (as opposed to 2KB) of RAM. In addition the ESP32 includes full onboard WiFi and Bluetooth capabilities, and can be had for $5, or about half the price of a genuine Arduino.
Therefore my primary design decision was to base this, and my future CNC projects, on an ESP32 processor.
TODO: - VIDEO - introduction to the esp32_cnc3018
TODO: Better picture of current esp32_cnc3018 (rename to Esp32_cnc3018)
The esp32_cnc3018 project is the 2nd machine in the line of open source CNC machines I have created and published. It provides a number of features not commonly available in the lowest priced machines.
esp32_cnc3018 includes a full Web Browser User Interface so that it can be controlled wirelessly from your phone or computer via WiFi. It can also be controlled via the serial port on the ESP32, via Telnet on port 23, or via Bluetooth for usage with commonly available gcode sender programs. Finally, it can also store gcode files on the optional SD Card and run jobs entirely locally, right on the ESP32, via the optional Touch Screen User Interface , without involving any other devices.
This repository includes all of the files and information needed to modify a stock entry level CNC 3018 machine as I have. It includes the files needed to 3D print the plastic parts, as well as the underlying Fusion 360 designs if you need or want to modify the 3D printed parts. It includes all of the schematics and information needed to breadboard or otherwise create the electronic circuits, as well as the KiCad files behind those, and the Flatcam and GCode files I used to mill my own circuit boards for this machine.
This project continues a general approach to building ESP32 based CNC machines of various types. It is entirely based on the next generation FluidNC project, a hugely important codebase that I have forked and modified slightly so-as to better be able build projects within the Arduino IDE development environment.
The documentation starts with this page, and includes the following additional pages:
- History - my personal historical perspectives and photos of the development process for the esp32_cnc3018 machine
- Hardware - shows the physical modifications to CNC 3018
- Electronics - the schematics and home made circuit boards for the machine.
- Software - describes the software architecture of esp32_cnc3018 and FluidNC
- Installation - instructions on building and installing the esp32_cnc3018 firmware onto the ESP32 using the Arduino IDE environment.
Please also see my previous CNC machine based on the same architecture, my implementation of a V-Plotter, the vMachine, built entirely from scratch.
These "machines" are relatively small INO programs. They are built on top of a number of other libraries that provide the bulk of the functionality.
- FluidNC - the next generation ESP32 GRBL machine
- FluidNC_UI - a touch screen user interface for FluidNC
- FluidNC_Extensions - some extensions to FluidNC
The core of the machine, the GRBL (g-code) interpreter, is based on the FluidNC library. The operational details of the machine, what g-codes are supported, the basic serial command protocol, the wifi and webserver, the machine configuration, and most functional aspects of the machine are provided by this library.
On top of FluidNC I have built FluidNC_UI, the touch screen user interface, as a library that can optionally be used in ESP32 CNC projects. Please see this library for a description of the User Interface.
I have also added a FluidNC_Extensions library that contains a number of features that are used in this, and other machines based on this system. This library contains methods and objects to abstract and extend the FluidNC core. Specific contents at this time include:
- some easy to use debug/info/error output methods
- methods to abstract the state of the FluidNC machine
- methods to abstract control of the FluidNC machine
- methods to supplement the FluidNC configuration system, and
- an implementation of mesh bed levelling as used in this esp32_cnc3018 machine
This library is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0
- To bdring and the FluidNC Team