Pull request that is backported from a more recent version.
Code refactoring that does not change the behavior. Often minor changes and cosmetics.
Documentation such as function documentations, comments and tutorials.
Implementation that does not break interfaces.
Example, e.g. the MNIST example.
Implementation that introduces new interfaces.
Ticket that do not fall into any other cat-label.
Performance in terms of speed or memory consumption.
Contribution is welcomed. If a ticket has this label, anyone is welcomed to work on it.
This issue or pull request already exists
Extra attention is needed
Change that disrupts backward compatibility.
Pull-request is being worked on to address the labeled ticket.
High priority. Urgent and needs to be worked on as soon as possible.
Low priority. Nice-to-have.
Medium priority. Should be worked on but does not require immediate action.
Further information is requested
Pull request that is mandatory for a release.
Included in future roadmap.
This will not be worked on