PFAC is an open library for exact string matching performed on GPUs. PFAC runs on processors that support CUDA. Supporting OS includes ubuntu, Fedora and MAC OS.
PFAC library provides C-style API and users need not have background on GPU computing or parallel computing. PFAC has APIs hiding CUDA stuff.
- PFAC r1.0 updated 2011/02/23
- PFAC r1.0 released 2011/02/21
- PFAC r1.1 released 2011/04/27
- PFAC r1.2 released 2012/04/29
The file "example_pattern" in the directory "../test/pattern/" contains 4 patterns.
The file "example_input" in the directory "../test/data/"contains a string.
The following example shows the basic steps to use PFAC library for string matching.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <PFAC.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
char dumpTableFile[] = "table.txt" ;
char inputFile[] = "../test/data/example_input" ;
char patternFile[] = "../test/pattern/example_pattern" ;
PFAC_handle_t handle ;
PFAC_status_t PFAC_status ;
int input_size ;
char *h_inputString = NULL ;
int *h_matched_result = NULL ;
// step 1: create PFAC handle
PFAC_status = PFAC_create( &handle ) ;
assert( PFAC_STATUS_SUCCESS == PFAC_status );
// step 2: read patterns and dump transition table
PFAC_status = PFAC_readPatternFromFile( handle, patternFile) ;
if ( PFAC_STATUS_SUCCESS != PFAC_status ){
printf("Error: fails to read pattern from file, %s\n", PFAC_getErrorString(PFAC_status) );
exit(1) ;
// dump transition table
FILE *table_fp = fopen( dumpTableFile, "w") ;
assert( NULL != table_fp ) ;
PFAC_status = PFAC_dumpTransitionTable( handle, table_fp );
fclose( table_fp ) ;
if ( PFAC_STATUS_SUCCESS != PFAC_status ){
printf("Error: fails to dump transition table, %s\n", PFAC_getErrorString(PFAC_status) );
exit(1) ;
//step 3: prepare input stream
FILE* fpin = fopen( inputFile, "rb");
assert ( NULL != fpin ) ;
// obtain file size
fseek (fpin , 0 , SEEK_END);
input_size = ftell (fpin);
rewind (fpin);
// allocate memory to contain the whole file
h_inputString = (char *) malloc (sizeof(char)*input_size);
assert( NULL != h_inputString );
h_matched_result = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int)*input_size);
assert( NULL != h_matched_result );
memset( h_matched_result, 0, sizeof(int)*input_size ) ;
// copy the file into the buffer
input_size = fread (h_inputString, 1, input_size, fpin);
// step 4: run PFAC on GPU
PFAC_status = PFAC_matchFromHost( handle, h_inputString, input_size, h_matched_result ) ;
if ( PFAC_STATUS_SUCCESS != PFAC_status ){
printf("Error: fails to PFAC_matchFromHost, %s\n", PFAC_getErrorString(PFAC_status) );
exit(1) ;
// step 5: output matched result
for (int i = 0; i < input_size; i++) {
if (h_matched_result[i] != 0) {
printf("At position %4d, match pattern %d\n", i, h_matched_result[i]);
PFAC_status = PFAC_destroy( handle ) ;
assert( PFAC_STATUS_SUCCESS == PFAC_status );
return 0;
The screen shows the following matched results.
At position 0, match pattern 1
At position 1, match pattern 3
At position 2, match pattern 4
At position 4, match pattern 4
At position 6, match pattern 2
Prepare the same input file and pattern file. The screen shows the same matched results as example 1.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <PFAC.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
char dumpTableFile[] = "table.txt" ;
char inputFile[] = "../test/data/example_input" ;
char patternFile[] = "../test/pattern/example_pattern" ;
PFAC_handle_t handle ;
PFAC_status_t PFAC_status ;
int input_size ;
char *h_input_string = NULL ;
int *h_matched_result = NULL ;
char *d_input_string;
int *d_matched_result;
cudaError_t status;
// step 1: create PFAC handle
PFAC_status = PFAC_create( &handle ) ;
assert( PFAC_STATUS_SUCCESS == PFAC_status );
// step 2: read patterns and dump transition table
PFAC_status = PFAC_readPatternFromFile( handle, patternFile) ;
if ( PFAC_STATUS_SUCCESS != PFAC_status ){
printf("Error: fails to read pattern from file, %s\n", PFAC_getErrorString(PFAC_status) );
exit(1) ;
// dump transition table
FILE *table_fp = fopen( dumpTableFile, "w") ;
assert( NULL != table_fp ) ;
PFAC_status = PFAC_dumpTransitionTable( handle, table_fp );
fclose( table_fp ) ;
if ( PFAC_STATUS_SUCCESS != PFAC_status ){
printf("Error: fails to dump transition table, %s\n", PFAC_getErrorString(PFAC_status) );
exit(1) ;
//step 3: prepare input stream
FILE* fpin = fopen( inputFile, "rb");
assert ( NULL != fpin ) ;
// obtain file size
fseek (fpin , 0 , SEEK_END);
input_size = ftell (fpin);
rewind (fpin);
// allocate memory to contain the whole file
h_input_string = (char *) malloc (sizeof(char)*input_size);
assert( NULL != h_input_string );
// allocate memory to contain the matched results
h_matched_result = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int)*input_size);
assert( NULL != h_matched_result );
memset( h_matched_result, 0, sizeof(int)*input_size ) ;
// copy the file into the buffer
input_size = fread (h_input_string, 1, input_size, fpin);
// compute the size of for stroing the matched results
int data_size = sizeof(int) * input_size;
// allocate GPU memory for input string
status = cudaMalloc((void **) &d_input_string, input_size);
if ( cudaSuccess != status ){
fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", cudaGetErrorString(status));
exit(1) ;
// allocate GPU memory for matched result
status = cudaMalloc((void **) &d_matched_result, data_size);
if ( cudaSuccess != status ){
fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", cudaGetErrorString(status));
exit(1) ;
// copy input string from host to device
cudaMemcpy(d_input_string, h_input_string, input_size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
// step 4: run PFAC on GPU by calling PFAC_matchFromDevice
PFAC_status = PFAC_matchFromDevice( handle, d_input_string, input_size, d_matched_result ) ;
if ( PFAC_STATUS_SUCCESS != PFAC_status ){
printf("Error: fails to PFAC_matchFromHost, %s\n", PFAC_getErrorString(PFAC_status) );
exit(1) ;
// copy the result data from device to host
cudaMemcpy(h_matched_result, d_matched_result, data_size, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
// step 5: output matched result
for (int i = 0; i < input_size; i++) {
if (h_matched_result[i] != 0) {
printf("At position %4d, match pattern %d\n", i, h_matched_result[i]);
PFAC_status = PFAC_destroy( handle ) ;
assert( PFAC_STATUS_SUCCESS == PFAC_status );
return 0;
Refer to the user guide page for further information and examples.
- Cheng-Hung Lin, Chen-Hsiung Liu, Lung-Sheng Chien, Shih-Chieh Chang, "Accelerating Pattern Matching Using a Novel Parallel Algorithm on GPUs," IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 62, no. 10, pp. 1906-1916, Oct. 2013, doi:10.1109/TC.2012.254
- Cheng-Hung Lin, Sheng-Yu Tsai, Chen-Hsiung Liu, Shih-Chieh Chang, and Jyuo-Min Shyu, "Accelerating String Matching Using Multi-threaded Algorithm on GPU," in Proc. of IEEE GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE (GLOBECOM), Miami, Florida, USA, December 6-10, pp.1-5, 2010.
The primary developers of PFAC are Lung-Sheng Chien, Chen-Hsiung Liu, Cheng-Hung Lin, and Shih-Chieh Chang. Website maintainer Chun-Cheng Huang