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Crisp: Compile-Time Interpreter for Lisp. A header-only library implemented with C++ templates.


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Crisp: Compile-Time Interpreter for Lisp. A header-only library implemented with C++ templates.

See a demo safe_printf which can validate printf formats at compile time with Crisp.

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About Crisp

You may have been told that C++ templates are Turing-complete. It means you could do anything that a general programming language can do with C++ templates at compile time.

Yes, C++ templates are powerful enough to build arbitrarily complex programs. But the tedious syntax and obscure semantic of C++ prevent people to do so.

Now, Crisp brings a convenient, flexible and elegant way for users to play with C++ templates and build compile-time programs.

In short, Crisp is a Lisp-like and Turing-complete DSL built upon C++ templates. It could be considered as a interpreter that interprets Lisp-like programs at C++ compile time.

Crisp is a simple but powerful functional programming language. The core features of Crisp include:

  • Variable
  • Lambda
  • Lexical Closure
  • Fractional Number
  • Recursive Function
  • Rich Collection Operations
  • Quote
  • Pattern Match
  • Code as Data

Core Idea


Lisp is a family of computer programming languages with a long history.

All program code of Lisp is written as s-expressions, or parenthesized lists.

A function call or syntactic form is written as a list with the function or operator's name first, and the arguments following; for instance, a function f that takes three arguments would be called as (f arg1 arg2 arg3).

Lisp code is actually a list that forms a tree structure, i.e., the abstract syntax tree (AST) of a program. For example: ((1+2)*(3+4)) in Lisp will be:

(* (+ 1 2)
   (+ 3 4))

This gives users a chance to process code as data(lists), which makes meta-programming easier.


In conclusion, the two most important features make Lisp elegant are:

  1. Lisp exposes the AST structure(lists) directly to users.
  2. Lisp provides tools(macros and list processing functions) for users to easily access and process AST(lists).

Feature 1

We found that feature 1 is natural in C++ templates, because nested C++ templates are very similar to lists and could also be considered as tree structures.

Consider this example:

(* (+ 1 2)
   (+ 3 4))

To express the same program, users could write C++ templates as:

Mul< Add<1, 2>,
     Add<3, 4>>;

Similarly to s-expressions, this kind of expressions are called m-expressions, which could also be treated as a tree structure(AST) that encodes a program.

Then we could use C++ template meta-programming techniques to write a interpreter that interprets this kind of AST at compile time, as the Crisp interpreter does.

Feature 2

We have nested templates as AST now, but C++ doesn't provide convenient tools for users to process nested templates. It is very hard to modifies a deep level of a nested template and transform it to another one.

Crisp brings the novel pattern match feature for users to process such nested templates. Due to that, processing program code in Crisp is dramatically easy.

Here is a simple example demonstrates how to transform an addition expression to a multiplication expression through a function:

  block(define(var("add2mul"), lambda(params(var("x")),
                                            case_(add(var("left"), var("right")),
                                                  mul(var("left"), var("right"))),
        call(var("add2mul"), quote(add(v(1), v(2)))));

Crisp supports Lisp-style macros as well. Further more, Crisp provides the plugin system which allows users to freely modify the program AST before it being interpreted. These advance topics will be discussed later.

Getting Started

Let's start with two simple but complete examples.

  1. Crisp Macro Style
#include "CrispMacroAPI.h"

int main() {
  using result = interpret(add(v(1), v(1)));
  constexpr int value = result::value;
  // `value` is a compile-time constant!
  int a[value] = {0, 1};
  return 0;
  1. Crisp Template Style
#include "CrispTemplateAPI.h"

int main() {
  using result = Interpret<Add<Int<1>, Int<1>>>::type;
  constexpr int value = result::value;
  // `value` is a compile-time constant!
  int a[value] = {0, 1};
  return 0;

As demonstrated above, Crisp provides two kinds of syntax: macro style and template style. You could build Crisp programs with your preferred one.

Generally, to express the same program, the macro style will be shorter, more readable and more friendly to IDE highlighting. Thus we recommend the macro style.

More Examples

Basic value types

    // int
    // bool
    // char
    // string


A block contains a sequence of expressions, and the result is also an expression. The value of the block is the value of the last expression.

    // 3

Basic operations

    // 1+2 -> 3
    interpret(add(v(1), v(2)));
    // 1-2 -> -1
    interpret(sub(v(1), v(2)));
    // 1*2 -> 2
    interpret(mul(v(1), v(2)));
    // 10 % 3 -> 1
    interpret(mod(v(1), v(2)));
    // 1 == 2 -> false
    interpret(eq_(v(1), v(2)));
    // 1 > 2 -> false
    interpret(gt(v(1), v(2)));
    // 1 >= 2 -> false
    interpret(ge(v(1), v(2)));
    // 1 < 2 -> true
    interpret(lt(v(1), v(2)));
    // 1 <= 2 -> true
    interpret(le(v(1), v(2)));
    // true && false -> false
    interpret(and_(v(true), v(false)));
    // true || false -> true
    interpret(or_(v(true), v(false)));

Variable definition

     * int a = 100;
     * a;
    interpret(block(define(var("a"), v(100)),


    // true ? 1 : 2
    interpret(if_(v(true), v(1), v(2)));

Function Call

    interpret(block(define(var("+"), lambda(params(var("x"), var("y")),
                                            add(var("x"), var("y")))),
                    define(var("s"), call(var("+"), v(10), v(20))),


    using x = var("x");
    using y = var("y");
    using add1 = var("add1");
    using add2 = var("add2");
    using makeAddX = var("makeAddX");

    // 11, 12
    interpret(block(define(makeAddX, lambda(params(y),
                                            lambda(params(x), add(x, y)))),
                    define(add1, call(makeAddX, v(1))),
                    define(add2, call(makeAddX, v(2))),
                    call(add1, v(10)),    // 11
                    call(add2, v(10))));  //12

In this example, the function makeAddX captures it's parameter x and returns another function. The returned function takes a parameter y and returns the sum of y and the captured x. We could find that calling add1(10) we will get 11 and calling add2(10) we will get 12.

Recursive Function

    using n = var("n");
    using factorial = var("factorial");

    // 3628800
    interpret(block(define(factorial, lambda(params(n),
                                             if_(eq_(n, v(1)),
                                                 mul(n, call(factorial, sub(n, v(1))))))),
                    call(factorial, v(10))));

In this example, we define a recursive function factorial which calls itself to calculate the product from 1 to n.

Quote and Eval

    // quote
    using quoted_add = quote(add(v(1), v(2)));
    // eval

Pattern Match

    using x = var("x");
    using y = var("y");

         * Add(1, 2) match {
         *   case Sub(_, _) => '-'
         *   case Add(_, _) => '0'
         *   case _ => '?'
         * }
         * Note: In order to prevent Crisp interpreter's evaluation,
         *       you need to quote an expression before match it.
         * Here we quote the expression `add(v(1), v(2))` before match it.
    // the result is '+'
    interpret(match(quote(add(v(1), v(2))),
                    case_(sub(_, _), v('-')),
                    case_(add(_, _), v('+')),

    // Capture the first parameter of an `add` expression with `x`.
    // Here the expression `v(1)` is captured as `v(1)`,
    interpret(match(quote(add(v(1), v(2))),
                    case_(add(capture(_, x), _), x),

How to Use

Use Crisp in Your Project

Crisp is a header-only library, you could use Crisp by simply including Crisp headers in your project.

  1. Copy the include folder into your project. Set it as one of your including directories.
    • Use Crisp macro api by #include "crisp/MacroAPI.h".
    • Use Crisp template api by #include "crisp/TemplateAPI.h".
  2. Enjoy it.


  1. Your compiler must support C++14.
  2. Remember to set the -ftemplate-depth-5000 flag to avoid insufficient template expansion depth.
  3. Since Crisp macros may have the same names as symbols in other files, you'd better include Crisp headers as the last ones of your includes.
  4. Never mix macros and templates style together. In C++, expressions like println(Var<'a', 'b'>) will be recognized as println( Var<'a', 'b'> ), which will cause a compile error. Thus the best practice to use Crisp is always using one style in a single C++ source file.

Build and Dependency

If you want to build Crisp from source and run Crisp examples, you need to:

  1. Prepare "cmake", "make" and a C++ compiler supports C++14 in your system.
  2. Clone this project.
  3. In the root directory of this project, run commands:
cmake .


This project is inspired by TemplatedPL. Thanks for the author's great idea.


Crisp: Compile-Time Interpreter for Lisp. A header-only library implemented with C++ templates.








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