Disclaimer: Albeit useful already, this is a work-in-progress and should be seen as such.
A coverage plugin for Python's Ward testing framework
Build the plugin:
poetry build
and install using
pip install dist/ward_coverage-0.1.1-py3-none-any.whl
To include coverage in your test run, add the following to your pyproject.toml
hook_module = ["ward_coverage"]
There are several options to configure the plugin which can be included under section [tool.ward.plugins.coverage]
, namely:
, defaulting to["term"]
, which is a list of report types to generate. Possible values are one or more of 'lcov', 'html', 'xml', 'json', 'term'threshold
for minimum coverage, affecting the color the result panel has for some sort of visual cue- All of the options described here. Please note that everything here under
section goes to[tool.ward.plugins.coverage]
and other sections need their separate block (e.g[tool.ward.plugins.coverage.report]
) or dictionary entry within the[tool.ward.plugins.coverage]
section in toml.
omit = ["*test*", "example.py", "**/__init__.py"]
report_type = ["term", "xml"]
source = ["."]
branch = true
relative_files = true
report = {skip_empty = true}
Contributors, issues and feature requests are welcome.