Analyzes job description for keywords (skills you specify) to find more suitable positions & sends e-mail with found matches.
- search job based on your prefered position (default python)
- define skills to find more suitable positions
- send E-Mail notification with the jobs that matched your skills, sorted with score from most skill matches to least
- sends only jobs that haven't been already seen
python -position
at the moment skills are not dynamic, they are defind in the constant:
SKILLS = ('django', 'django developer', 'django junior developer', 'python developer', 'python junior developer', 'python junior', 'python', 'sql', 'flask', 'javascript', 'junior', 'css', 'html', 'html/css')
- analyze job description for keywords to filter out more suitable positions
- improve this matching algorithm
- send email with found jobs
- add support for different pages
- make more dynamic - define skills dynamically etc.
- keep score of jobs already checked/applied to