Goshingles is a concurrency safe implementation of word n-grams in Go. It has a (relatively) small memory footprint, and it's fast. It can ingest just about any text form, trying its best to split the content into sentences and words from which to compute n-grams.
Here's an example of use:
import shingles
var sh Shingles
var text string = `
Everything, everything, everything, everything..
In its right place
In its right place
In its right place
Right place
Yesterday I woke up sucking a lemon
Yesterday I woke up sucking a lemon
Yesterday I woke up sucking a lemon
Yesterday I woke up sucking a lemon
Everything, everything, everything..
In its right place
In its right place
Right place
There are two colours in my head
There are two colours in my head
What is that you tried to say?
What was that you tried to say?
Tried to say.. tried to say..
Tried to say.. tried to say..
Everything in its right place `