sandbox of Tomas and Samo
$ ./gradlew bootRun Error: Could not find or load main class org.gradle.wrapper.GradleWrapperMain
gradlew is the gradle wrapper executable - batch script on windows and shell script elsewhere. If you include the following lines in your build.gradle,
task wrapper(type: Wrapper) { gradleVersion = '2.0' } a gradle wrapper script is added to your source folders.
Missed gradle-wrapper.jar under directory gradle/wrapper in your project.
You need to generate this file via this script in build.gradle file as below,
task wrapper(type: Wrapper) { gradleVersion = '2.0' // version required } and run task:
gradle wrapper
Ide to OK, pomocou $ ./gradlew bootRun sa da spustit BE BE sa da otestovat takto: $ curl http://localhost:8080/api/todos|jq
**$ ng serve --open
node_modules appears empty, you may need to run npm install
*pridaj ssh kluce podla navodu
nezabudni skontrolovat ci nejake SSH nemas
npriek tomu to chce odo mna stale konto a heslo, ale ekd som dal: $git remote set-url origin [email protected]:pay4UU/pay4uSandBox.git
a teraz problemy s menu:
neskor skusim este raz
ale teraz navbar podla
/pay4uSandBox/angular-frontend/src/app/app-navbar /pay4uSandBox/angular-frontend/src/app/app-navbar/app-navbar.component.css /pay4uSandBox/angular-frontend/src/app/app-navbar/app-navbar.component.html /pay4uSandBox/angular-frontend/src/app/app-navbar/app-navbar.component.spec.ts /pay4uSandBox/angular-frontend/src/app/app-navbar/app-navbar.component.ts
Asi by bolo treba zmenit CCS tak aby boli volby v riadku