OSTree native containers are OCI/Docker container images that contain a bootable operating system.
To build the image locally, run
mkdir -p cache/dnf cache/rpm-ostree
podman build \
-v $(pwd)/cache/dnf:/cache/dnf:Z \
-v $(pwd)/cache/rpm-ostree:/var/cache/rpm-ostree:Z \
--build-arg SAVE_RPM_OSTREE_CACHE=true \
-t paveloom-os .
To delete dangling images (in case a build is unsuccessful), run
podman rmi $(podman images -f "dangling=true" -q)
Alternatively, you can provide the --no-cache
flag when building.
To start a container based off of this image, run
podman run -td --entrypoint=/bin/bash --name paveloom-os paveloom-os
To enter the container, run
podman exec -it paveloom-os /bin/bash
When you're done, delete both the container and the image
podman stop -t 1 paveloom-os && podman rm paveloom-os
podman rmi paveloom-os
To switch to booting from this container image (hosted on Docker Hub), run
sudo rpm-ostree rebase --experimental
The image is updated daily. You can use dates and short SHAs as tags, too.