Regression caused by changes to animation
Port a feature or fix to a previous GNOME Shell version
Issue doesn't happen on our end
Missing or inaccurate docs/onboarding
This issue or PR already exists
Adds a new feature or extends scope
Improvements to integration with other extensions
Issues caused by interaction with other extensions
Issue occurs with Fedora's modified GNOME
Issue described has been fixed in a more recent version of PaperWM
Specific to GNOME Shell 3.38 (or older)
Specific to GNOME Shell 40 or 41
Specific to GNOME Shell 42
Specific to GNOME Shell 43
Specific to GNOME Shell 44
Specific to GNOME Shell 45
Specific to GNOME Shell 46
Specific to GNOME Shell 47
Related to a GNOME Shell option
Related to manipulating the GNOME Shell Overview
First-time contributors welcome
Don't hesitate to participate!
Issue or PR is unusable as-is.
Default keybinds already used by GNOME or another extension
Label for PRs that are planned to be merged soon (usually within the next week)
Issue specific to multi-monitor setup
Waiting for a follow up from author
Involves creating a new dconf preference, or eventually a settings menu entry